Howard Alter Jr. President's Message - The Rattle, Summer 1966
As appeared in The Rattle - Vol. 54 No. 4 - Summer 1966
Somehow or other it seems to me that the things that I write for this page sound pretty much alike from issue to issue. Perhaps this is because I keep seeing the same things to be stressed.
Two years ago I reviewed the years of my first term as national president in this message; I could almost repeat that review again as my second term ends. These past two years have been good to Theta Chi. We have continued to grow in numbers and strength. We have met some reverses that have been far outnumbered by the gains. But … once more, advancement in our scholastic standing is our biggest failure. There was a slight improvement in our ranking, and we know many chapters have worked hard to improve their scholastic image. I remind you that scholarship improvement must begin in rushing and pledging, and then must be reflected in every attitude of the chapter. Keep this in mind and the move upward that we have begun in the standings will continue until we reach a place where we can have pride in our position.
Perhaps the biggest pleasure for me in this term as your president has been the chance to visit more chapters. Most of them ask me the same question, “What can we do to get our alumni active?” My answer is, and can only be, to keep in touch with them and make them a part of your program. Here I would say to alumni that in this day of increasing pressures on the student from every angle, your chapter needs you … needs you more than ever.
Howard R. Alter Jr.
Now and then I will hear an alumnus say in response to a request for help, “What can Theta Chi do for me?” I refrain from answering with the quotation from the late President Kennedy’s inaugural, but it would be the right answer. “What can Theta Chi do for me?” Just as much as you will let it. Do not hold out your hand to receive, but extend it to help and as much as you put into Theta Chi will determine how much you can get out of that fraternal association. It is up to each of us for himself.
Fraternally yours,
Howard R. Alter Jr.
New Chapter Advisor
When it came time for the Alumni to choose an outstanding active for 1965-66, the choice was not difficult. Roger Tadsen was their unanimous choice as a result of his service and dedication to Theta Chi. During his two years as an active, Rog was almost a one-man show in erectinga handsome sign for the front of our house. As Social Chairman and Activity Chairman, Rog again headed the committees which resulted in the addition of several trophies to our already overflowing trophy case. As an art education major, he was able to maintain over a "B" average. His dynamic drive and leadership will be hard to replace. Rog will be going to Penn State for his Masters degree. We're sure as Resident Advisor for the Omega Chapter and Regional Counselor for the National, he'll still be doing much for Theta Chi.