April 1959 Omegaphone

Below are excepts from the April 1959 Omegaphone, to read the entire issue, please download the pdf to the right

Brother Jones' View

Three major areas of accomplishment this semester at Omega have been (1) an improved rushing system (2) a more clearly defined pledging system (3) an improved spirit through more house functions.

One of the big problems which Omega has faced during the past several years has been that of distributing the responsibility of transporting and entertaining rushees. In the past, the burden of rushing fell almost totally upon the rushing chairman. He contacted the rushee, made the dinner o- smoker engagement, went himself to the dormitory, entertained the rushee, and returned with him after the function. With the deferred rushing program, the need for concentrating rushing in only a few weeks became apparent. The rushing chairman could not handle the job alone. We therefore constructed a rushing program which was designed to enable each brother and pledge to take part in the rushing function. This is an alternating plan whereby two different members of the house are put in charge of the rushees each night a function is held. This plan has made it possible for more members of the fraternity to meet and to know more rushees. Thus far the plan is a tremendous success. We hope to make the program permanent.

With the rather radical change in Omega's pledge training last semester, we ran into some unforeseen trouble almost immediately. In general, it seemed that the major difficulty was that the system lacked a clear definition of specific objectives. Last week, the I.F.C. established The Penn State University I.F.C. Pledge Training Creed. This plan is not only consistent in all respects with Omega Chapter's new program, but it is also supplementary to it. Most important, it specifically describes and defines each aspect of the new pledge program.

The last area of accomplishment in which we feel we have made progress is that of building spirt and cooperation among pledges and brothers through more and better house functions. This includes rushing smokers, mixers with freshmen women, mixers with sorority women, and many long song practices. To illustrate our progress, at the I.F.C. Sing last year at this time we entered only fourteen men in the Omega chorus. This year there will be over 30 singing in the chorus. Whether we win the competition or not, the spirit and cooperation is now growing steadily in Omega and is well worth the added effort. To conclude, we at Omega are certain that by progressing in these three areas, we can approach nearer to the highest goal of fraternity brotherhood. 

New Officers

Elections have been held here at Omega Chapter, and a new group of officers have been installed. Rich Jones, our new president, succeeds Bill Kress in this position. Rich is a sixth semester Psychology major from Bethlehem, Pa. Dick Hill, the only officer to succeed himself, is again our vice president. Dick is an eighth semester History major from Bethesda, Md. Secretary Ed Walker, a new initiate, is from Fine Grove Mills and in his sixth semester as a Spanish major. Ed replaces Tom Everly who was graduated in January. Dick Jones, replacing Lou Brast, holds the position of treasurer and is a sixth semester Business major from Ivyland, Pa. Pledge Marshall Al Barron hails from Peckville, Pa. Al is a sixth semester Chemical Engineer and succeeds Dick Gerhard. Other officers include: Lou Brast, Rushing Chairman; Bob Nocera, Social Chairman; Jack Mallino, Caterer; Clem Bauer, House Manager; John Coleman, Athletic Chairman; Lou Brast, Librarian; Don Landenber-ger, Historian; George Bukes, Alumni Secretary; Paul McConnaughey, Chaplain; Tom Herrala, Publicity Chairman. 

Founder's Day Invitation

Omega chapter's annual founder's day celebration will be held on April 18 of this year. It is our wish to see as many alumni as can possibly attend. Plans are for a cocktail party to be held at 4:30, with dinner following at 5:30. If anyone would wish accomodations for overnight, we shall be glad to make the necessary arrangements. Write to Mr. George Bukes, Alumni Secretary. Hope you can all make it. 

New Brothers

Six new men were initiated into Omega Chapter this past February. The new brothers are Charles Avampato, George Bukes, Donald Landenberger, Robert Sorisio, William Szupper, and Edgar Walker.

George Bukes, a sophomore in Arts and Letters from Wilkinsburg is serving this semester as Alumni Secretary.

Don Landenberger, a junior from Clarks Summit, is a Chemistry and Physics major. He was elected to the position of historian and is handling the job of Omegaphone editor.

Bob Sorisio, a junior Business Administration student from Leechburg, is handling the critical post of Rushing Chairman this semester.

Edgar Walker, a junior Arts and Letters student from Pine Grove Mills, was elected to the office of Secretary.

Bill Szupper is from Northampton and is majoring in Business Administration. He also is prominent in house activites.

Chuck Avampato, a sophomore metallurgy student from Derry, was elected to the office of house manager, but due to an unfortunate death in the family was forced to drop out of school for the remainder of the semester.

Omega chapter is lucky to have such an active group of new brothers. They have all done a fine job and we know that they'll keep up the good work. 

New Pledges

This Spring's pledge class is made up of sophomores, two living in the house and two in the dorms. The elected pledge captain is Mike Lazorchak, a secondary education major from Johnstown, Pa. Mike is a member of Alpha Phi Omega, National Service Fraternity and has taken an active part in intramural sports at the house.

Norm Steen, a fourth semester Engineering Science student is from Wilkinsburg, Pa. Norm is a member of University Orchestra and plays fiddle in a local square dance group.

Gettysburg, Pa. sends us John Hewetson, a Pre-Medical student. His activities include Alpha Phi Omega, Chapel Choir, and intramural sports.

Mike Megraw, our Jr. I.F.C. representative is a Chemistry major from Ridley Park, Pa. He is a member of the Emerson Society and the American Chemical Society. 

Sports News

In intramural football last fall the strong passing of Glenn Weishaar led the house to impressive wins over SAE, ATO, and Pi Lambda Phi before a 7-6 loss to Phi Kappa Sigma in the last game of the season pushed them out of first place. Jack Mallino, George Loulis, and Dick Bartolazzi, Tom Herrala, and Bill Szupper were standouts or the defense as well as offense.

Jim McDeavitt came through with one victory in intramural boxing, but was defeated in his second effort.

The basketball team was not as successful as it had hoped to be, suffering 1 and 2 point losses to Chi Phi, Theta Kappa Phi (in overtime), and Beaver House. "Trig" Rohrbach's absence after the halfway point was sorely felt. Dick Hill and Glenn Weishaar provided most of the scoring punch, and Jack Mallino and George Loulis played consistently fine floor games.

Al Johnson won his first handball match easily, but lost a heart-breaker in the second round by scores of 18-21, 21-13, and 20-21. Al will team up with Dick Bartolazze for the Doubles Tournament which will begin in the near future. The team of Paul McConnaughey and Dick Potter will also enter the tournament.

Bill Kress and John Hewetson finished 1-2 in the diving event to give our swimming team a 21-20 decision over Sigma Pi in our only meet to date. Mike Lazorchak, Norm Steen, Bob Dean, Don Landenberger, and Dick Bartolazzi also played important roles in the victory.

The bowling season is coming down the home stretch, and the efforts of Al Johnson, Jim McDeavitt, Al Barron, Dich Bartolazzi, and Bill Read have earned Theta Chi a second place standing in its league.

Wrestling and volleyball are both underway now, and so far we have looked very promising in both. In wrestling Glenn Weishaar pinned his first opponent in 1:34.

The house has won both its volleyball matches to date. We had some bad breaks last year, but this year we intend to go all the way. Although we've won no trophies (so far!), we feel that this has been one of our most outstanding years in sports. More of the men have participated this year than in any of the past years. 

Social Life at Omega

We at Omega have had a fine social agenda thus far this year, and we are looking forward to an even better spring. Plans have been made to make our school life a success socially as well as scholastically.

Dreamgirl Bonnie Baldwin

Each year the biggest event of the fall semester is the Pledge Formal, and this year was no exception! The dance was held in December, and our theme was centered around the Christmas season with decorations of holly and evergreens. A formal banquet was held in honor of the pledges, The "Outstanding Pledge" award was made to Edgar Walker, and Miss Bonnie Baldwin was chosen as Dream Girl.

The semester quickly moved on, and parties were held each weekend. Another outstanding event was the Christmas party for children.

Spring Semester is now on hands and our parties thus far have been very enjoyable. Costume parties rare held frequently.

On I.F.C. weekend, the party was centered around a "Viking" theme, the house was decorated like a mead hall.

Plans are now under way for Spring Week Carnival and float parades will be the main attractions of the week.

We are now practicing for the interfraternity sing held in competition between fraternities.

Mothers Day will be May 12, and a party and dinner will be held in honor of the mothers.

And so you see that we have some big things planned. Come and see us! 

A Letter to The Alumni from E. T. Gifford 

Greetings Alumni of Omega chapter of Theta Chi.

It gives me great pleasure to welcome you home again. I am looking with great anticipation of seeing you Igho have graduated from this great institution in the past twenty years. Seeing and serving you will be a great pleasure and honor. I do feel that it is the will of God, the great Architect of the universe, who has blessed us with the best of health, enabling us to carry on our duties of service in the communities where we live.

Since this is true, I do think that you should take time out to visit me, and to help celebrate my twentieth year of service at Omega chapter. Seeing those who were instrumental in employing me for this job, of which I am humbly proud, will bring me much happiness. Many changes have been made through the years, and they have been great ones. Through these changes have come progress and achievement. And, I have enjoyed the love and friendship of the entire brotherhood. As with all men some have made the supreme sacrifice, the fulfillment of the prophecy. But known to all of us as great men they will be missed. Let us show our appreciation by being present on this founders day.

Who knows this may be the last twenty years I may be able to celebrate with you. I am preparing something real great for you. You will not recognise the college. Everything has changed: the college is a University and is having a facelifting, the enrollment is increasing yearly, and the town is bulging at its seams. 

There are no pigeons for the pledges to let loose in the theatres, no hazing, no hell week, no joy-riding up and down the mall (there's no roomI). But Theta Chi is in the same place even though it may seem strange for it to be sitting in the center of town instead of out on the edge. Giff is the same, only a little fatter and a little older. The spaghetti is just like that you ate twenty years ago.

So come enjoy yourselves with the new Brotherhood and pledges! Behold how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity. It is like precious ointment upon the head that ran down upon the beard, even Aaron's beard that went down to the skirt of his garment, as the dew of Hermon that descended upon the mountains of Zion. For there the Lord commanded a blessing, even life forevermore."

Please extend my best wishes to your families. May God bless you. 

Fraternally, your obedient servant,


New Alumni

Larry Reader and Tom Eyerly joined the ranks of Omega alumni this past January.

Tom was graduated in Mechanical Engineering and is now working as sales engineer for Minneapolis Honeywell. He commutes to his office in Philadelphia from his home in Springfield. Tom is pleased with his new job, and we see a fine future ahead for him.

Larry chose to continue "hitting the books" after receiving his degree. He is at the U. of P. grad school where he continues his studies in Landscape Architecture. He also commutes to his classes from his home in nearby Malvern.

Larry and Tom were active both in the chapter and on campus during their four years at State. Tom was a member of Thespians and of the Young Democrats club. He served as secretary of Omega chapter during the last fall semester. Larry was in many camrus activities, and he has also served the chapter both as rushing chairman and pledge marshall. 

Regional Convention 

The annual Theta Chi regional convention will be held the weekend of April 4, 1959. Alpha Psi chapter, at the University of Maryland, is serving as host this year.

The agenda includes a stag party at the chapter house on Friday evening, April 3 , with the main business meeting scheduled for Saturday afternoon. Saturday evening, a dinner and dance are planned.

We are sending twenty-three men to represent Omega at the convention. The Omega chorus will sing, and other entertainment is planned by the visiting chapters.

Omega served as host charter in the Spring of 1956. 


Thank you to all those brothers that shared their news.

Checkout past issues of the Omegaphone by clicking here.

Download the April 1959 Omegaphone