CDT Story - Chef at Theta Chi Honored for Years of Loyal Service
Emanuel “Giffy” Gifford
Theta Chi fraternity in State College honored a veteran member of its household over the weekend - Emanuel T. Gifford, chef for more than two decades.
"Giff" came to Theta Chi in the spring of 1939 and has been in charge of the food service at the fraternity at 523 S. Allen St. ever since.
He explains his long service to the fraternity in the words that he as ' 'completed some 40 semesters and 20 summer sessions and has yet to obtain a degree."
Current active members of the fraternity and alumni felt that their chef had earned, if not a degree, certainly some sort of recognition. They explain that he had been not only a fine chef, but a friend, counselor and helpful influence to hundreds of students over the past 20 years.
At the Homecoming Banquet on Saturday evening, "Giff' was presented a U.S. savings bond and
a framed citation, which reads: "Omega Chapter of Theta Chi Fraternity and Theta Chi of Penn
State. Inc. present this token of affection and appreciation to Emanuel T. Gifford in recognition
of 20 years of faithful, loyal, and conscientious service to Theta Chi Fraternity. He has shown unselfish interest in the welfare of the fraternity, always performing duties above and beyond those called for. He acted as caretaker of the chapter house and its furnishings during the period of army occupancy in World War II and was instrumental in the re-activation of the chapter following the war. He has enjoyed the respect and esteem
of hundreds of members of Omega Chapter who have known him through the years. His genial personality, his loyal interest and his helpful service has endeared him to all."
The largest alumni gathering in the history of Theta Chi was present at the presentation of the awards, conducted as a part of Homecoming Weekend.