October 1957 Omegaphone

Below are excepts from the October 1957 Omegaphone, to read the entire issue, please download the pdf to the right


Omega chapter for the second consecutive semester has made a significant gain in scholarship. We jumped from twenty-seventh to twentieth in standing among the fifty-four fraternities and raised our house average to 2.43. This is above both the All Men's average and the All Fraternity Men's average; an achievement of which we feel justifiably proud. However, we don't intend to rest on our laurels, but to keep striving for greater scholarship achievement, for this is one of the primary purposes for which we are here. 

New Officers Are Elected

Several new officers were elected by Omega Chapter to start off the fall semester. They will serve until the end of the semester when regular elections will be held.

Jim Coleman was elected Vice-President; Dick Potter replaced Jim as Secretary; Clem Bauer and Lou Brest were elected First and Second Misthodoi respectively; Jim Starr, a mainstay on most of the athletic teams, was chosen Athletic Directors and Dick Hill, who transferred here from Maryland, is our new Publicity Chairman; Bob Nocera was elected to the important post of Rushing Chairman; and Larry Reader as Marshal is in charge of the pledges.

These new officers, along with those already in office, should lead the way to a very successful semester for Omega chapter. 

Spring Pledge Is Involved in Accident

We are sorry to report that John Coleman, a member of our last spring's pledge class, was seriously injured in an automobile accident over the Labor Day weekend. However, at the same time we are glad to be able to report that he is recovering satisfactorily from the badly fractured leg and fractured skull he received, and we here at Omega are hopeful 

Omegas Welcome Back Alums

Omega chapter wishes to welcome all the alums back for the annual Homecoming Festivities on Saturday, October 19. The usual fine program has been lined up, consisting of football with a fine Vanderbilt team on Saturday afternoon followed by a banquet at the house starting about six o'clock. A corporation meeting will follow the banquet.

Saturday evening will be the usual party where all the old grads will get a chance to talk over old times, so as you can see it's going to be a fine weekend all around. All the actives are looking forward to seeing each and every one of you back here. 

Six New Members are Initiated  

To start off the semester Omega Chapter initiated six new members. They were Robert Nocera, Keith Vansant, Richard Jones, Clarence Bauer, Alexis Barron, and Louis Brast. These men have all started off in fine fashion by contributing their part in some way to the functioning of the chapter. 

House Manager's Report

From the "office" of the house manager, we are happy to report many worth while improvements to our chaper house during the past few months. Four chairs on the first floor have been reupholstered and a new carpet has been laid on the second floor--thanks to the Mother's Club! All rooms have been furnished with new bunks and mattresses.

Outside, two shrubs have been replaced on either side of the front walk. With the unusually large pledge class living in the house this semester we hope to have the house looking better than ever for our Annual. Alumni Homecoming, October 19. SEE YOU THEN! 

Social Report 

Hi there! Here we go again with a brand new semester and a whole lot in store socially. It feels good again to get into the fraternity swing of things. This fall the outlook calls for mixers with independent and sorority women, a new atmosphere in the party room. We're going all out to make the social part of a college education the best anywhere.

Starting off the year, a little more atmosphere has been added in the party room with colored lighting effects. Some of the party themes include Carnival Night, Pajama Party, Roaring 20's, and of course our Annual Bowerey Brawl.

October includes Theta Chi Father's Day where we will entertain our fathers with the William and Mary game and evening banquet. This year's homecoming October 19, will be the best ever. Besides the Vanderbilt game and banquet a jam session with the Frank Talesca quintet will top the evening.

Junior Prom weekend ushers in Dixieland and the Basin Street theme. That Saturday afternoon takes the Theta Chi's out to the W. Va. game and brings them back to a cocktail party to make way for the "Brawl" with its original art work and decorations.

No sooner are we back from Thanksgiving vacation than our second Big Weekend is made in readiness. Here's where the holiday spirit comes into view with all the Christmas decorations of pine, holly, mistletoe, etc. Theta Chi will go formal for our annual Pledge banquet and dance. Following caroling and joint Christmas parties with the sororities a party will be held for underprivileged children before we set off for the one holidays.

It's been nice talking to you again and don't forget to drop in when at Penn State. We'll be glad to see you again.

Bob Pawelski Social Chairman 

President's Report 

It is gratifying to look back from this position at many recent accomp-lishments of Omega Chapter. Although it is possible to recognize and be satisfied with the success that has been achieved, it is more important to look into the future at the potential yet to be exploited. It is within the grasp of us now to gain importance and prestige yet unrealized.

I believe that the best possible approach to this is for every member of Omega, past and present, to become interested in the activities and to give whatever help or advice he finds possible to the chapter. This paper is mostly our only contact between present members and the many in the past. You, who have preceded us, have undoubtedly gained much through experience that would enable us to follow paths that could be much more productive. I'm asking each one of you to either return with us for the Homecoming celebration or get in contact by mail. We would appreciate hearing from each of you and welcome all to visit us at any time.

Those able to visit us will find many improvements with the most outstanding one being the addition of 20 new bunk beds purchased from alumni corporation funds. The furniture on the first floor has also been repaired, and most of the woodwork is newly painted. The Mother's Club has been reactivated and has generously purchased a runner for the second floor hall with their funds. They will hold their annual fall meeting here October 13 along with our annual celebration of Father's Day.

The IFC in a move to gain strength and prestige is reorganizing this year and will attempt to become more forceful. Likewise, if there are any suggestions to improve our system, they will be gratefully received; and it is possible that we could be a stronger organization in the future. We have an increased membership now and will continue to strive equally hard for quantity and quality. We appreciate the cooperation and interest that has been displayed by all, and ask that everyone join in a spirited drive to improve, what all of us think is, the best.

Ed Rhoads 

Intramural Athletic Report

Omega Chapter ended up 19th among the 54 fraternities last year. After a fast start in the fall, we slowed down considerably in the spring.

Our basketball team did well for the year, losing only one game to a tough Sigma Chi team. In volleyball we also had a successful season.

In wrestling, we were hurt by preseason injuries and only one man reached the semi-finals. Our showing was only mediocre in horseshoes, soccer, golf, track, tennis doubles, and badminton. Bowling was fairly successful but we lost most of our bowlers for this year. Our handball players showed fairly well and the boxers looked good, too.

This year we have a new crop of athletes and our football team won its first game. Our tennis outlook is good as one man already come through with a first round win.

Basketball looks very promising as we have most of the team back and a host highly touted pledge sharpshooters.

On the varsity athletic side, our brother "Bucky" Paolone has shown up well at right halfback for the Nittany Lions this year and those of you who make it for Homecoming will probably see a lot of him on the field Saturday afternoon. 

Greetings from the Mother's Club of Omega Chapter 

We have an enthusiastic group of mothers. Last year we had thirty-one members.

With the money given by the mothers, the boys bought carpet for the second floor hall.

Through the years, many feet wore the carpet, until it was unsightly, and dangerous; always the danger of someone tripping, causing a nasty fall. With the new carpet, the appearance of the hall is greatly enhanced, and the men can frolic in safety.

By the time this goes to press, we expect to have had another meeting on Father's Day.

In the past, some mothers were here for Father's Day, who did not get back for Mother's Day in the spring. The reason for this probably is, the fathers come for two reasons, first to visit with their sons, and second to see a football game.

When Mother's Day comes in the spring, some fathers are not intrigued with May Day exercises, (and who can blame them), consequently, some mothers living quite a distance away are not with us. By having two meetings in a year, almost all of the mothers will have an opportunity to have a part in the club.

Mrs. Rhoads, Ed Rhoads, our president's mother, is the president of the club at present. 

Now a personal message from me to the alumni, especially those I have known since I have been here.

I miss your familiar faces, and often think of you, and wonder how is it with you and yours. My best wishes go out to all of you, hoping you are well, and happy in your work. 


Mrs. (Mother) Goschke 

Omega Lists Large Fall Pledge Class

Omega Chapter has this fall a large pledge class consisting of sixteen members. This is one of our largest pledge classes of recent years and the brotherhood has high hopes that they will be both a credit and an asset to the chapter in the future. We now introduce them individually.

Lamar E. (Trig) Rohrbach is a third semester student from Glen Rock, Pa., majoring in Industrial Engineering. He is a member of the ROTC Band.

Dave Johnson is a fifth semester Business Administration student from Wert Chester, Pa. He is an ardent hi-fi enthusiast and is a member of the Penn State Jazz Club.

Don Eger is a third semester Civil Engineering Student who hails from Pittsburgh. He was active in dormitory activities last year and hopes to join the American Society of Civil Engineers.

Paul Heinbach is a third semester Forestry student from Selinsgrove, Pa. He was an active member of dorm activities and is now serving as pledge captain.

Paul McConnaughey is a third semester Industrial Engineering student from West Orange, N. J. He has been active in intramural sports here at Penn State following varsity play in high school.

AL Johnson is a third semester Pre-law student from Roaring Spring, Pa. He says he hopes to go on to Harvard or Penn LaW School "If I don't get married first."

Glenn Weishaar is in his third semester of Mechanical Engineering and hails from Gettysburg, Pa. He played basketball, football and track in high school and is active in intramurals.

Barry A. Herr is a third semester Mechanical Engineering student from Lancaster, Pa, His thief interests are cars and model airplanes.

William J. Read is a sophomore in Business Administration from Monessen, Pa., and is currently a member of the Penn State Blue Band and the AIM Dance Band.

Richard W. Jones, third semester Psychology student from Bethlehem, hopes to do industrial psychology work upon graduation. His present interests include music, ping-pong, pool, and pledging.

Jack Mallino is a second semester student at PSU from Monessen, Pa., majoring in mathematics in the College of Education. His ambition is to coach a college football team someday.

Bill Kress is a third semester Electrical Engineer from Camp Hill, Pa. He is interested in the Penn State Amateur Radio Station W3TKC.

Tom Herrala is a third semester Mechanical Engineering student from Monessen, Pa. He is a member of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers.

Jim Wagner is a third semester Mechanical Engineering major from Irwin, Pa., and is an ardent hi-fi enthusiast.

Ted Wells is a Sophomore in Arts and Letters who resides in Lemoyne, Pa. His five-and-a-half foot frame may be found every day at the Daily Collegian Office. He is also chairman of Lion Party Publications Committee.

Tom Monies from Monessen, Pa., is a third semester Business Administration student who has quietly stepped into the coveted position of Nittany Lion.

This completes the pledge class for the Fall of 1957, a well rounded group which should contribute mucn to the success of Omega Chapter this year. 

Thank you to all those brothers that shared their news.

Checkout past issues of the Omegaphone by clicking here.

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