Spring 1953 Omegaphone

Below are excepts from the Spring 1953 Omegaphone, to read the entire issue, please download the pdf to the right

Socially Speaking

All Can Have Fun Who Want To Have Fun!! Another semester and another school year is rapidly drawing to a close, but Omega's joyous weekends and parties will long ring in our ears. To the undergraduates, great times are anticipated in the coming semesters, but to the June graduates only regret and a facing of reality that it is all over - even the celebrating. 

Much has happened to the Social set-up in the last 3 or 4 years: The bars have been forced to go out, but cannot the tables suffice? The Taps have once gone out with the replacement of bottles, but once again the I.F.C. has come thru so it is almost back to normal again. But still remains that added tension - "What will come next?" The "Chaperone couples are now a must," says Dean of Women, so gone are the days of "The Vanish Chaperone." Even so its not that bad, for even they are human, and roust sleep. But all in all, no matter what changes scared, the prirary objective and the final result have proven that everybody can enjoy themselves after a tedious week at the books. 

During the last school year, Omega has rerained at the top of the social ladder with its share of parties and social functions. Entertainment of sororities is still laxed but it is hoped that this will soon be remedied. We initiated a move last Fall which is hoped will continue in the future - "A Dream Girl of Theta Chi" is chosen from a list of candidates by the members of the house. Ann Twoomey, a sixth semester medical Sociology student here at "State", 'was elected as our Dream Girl for the year. Ann who lives in Pittsburgh, Pa. is pinned to Brother Bill Shomberg, an active of the chapter. 

Brother Krug's Pizza and Giffy's Atomic Punch with "oodles" of costume parties, plus a little incentive from the co-eds and imports have kept the social programs stepping along. "Theta Chi Players" could use added talent and is just hanging on to be rescued. 

Just recently, "Founders' Day" was held at the Chapter - April 11th and I.F.C. House party weekend April 17 to 19. Oh, those rolling stomaches and blood shot eyes (and not a Theta Chi pin changed hands over the weekend, a new record or the mixtures are getting weaker). Mother's Day and also the Senior Ball, another of the last big weekends for many are just around the corner. Time again to put the meters on the couches.

Fraternally yours, 
Al Gregal, Social Chairman 

Graduating Seniors

As June graduation rools around, Omega is faced with the loss of quite a few good men. Following is a list of these men end their curriculums: 

John M. Budesky - Industrial Eng.
Charles F. Douds - Physics
George H. Eyrick, III - A. H.
Robert E. Gohn - C & E
Richard T. Johnson - Geology
John S. Leister - Music Ed.
Thomas E. Morton - Agr. Eng.
James J. Poison - Forestry
Joseph T. Parker, III - Business Ed.
John T. Richards - A. F.
William A. Shomberg - C. & F.
Chris K. Snyder - Forestry
Harold N. Wells - E. E.
William J. Wendel - E. E.
Eugene Whitehouse - History
Robert E. Will - Voc. INd. Ed.

February graduates were: 

Jackson Horner - Ph. Ed.
Willam K. Elmore - C. & F.
Peter G. Fairchock - Mining Eng.
Kenneth T. West - Mining Eng.
Louis A. Wilson - Zoology 

Founder's Day

On April 11, 1953 Founderts Day was officially initiated after a lapse of some 12 years. Much credit for the success of the Day can be given to Bob Clarke '50 who was instrumental in bringing the day about. 

After installation of new officers at 1:30 P. M. the Alumni attended the State-Lehigh baseball game. At 6:00 P. M.. a beautiful meal prepared by Giffy was served and was followed by the presentation of a movie on the recent Olympics with narration by State's Gene Wettstone. 

A meeting of the Alumni Association took place after the movie, and refreshments were served. Here are the names of the alumni in attendance. Let's see how many more can be added next year. 

Ellwood Cassel '19; Murrell McKinstry '20; Walt Segl '21; John Doty '24; Ted Torok '29; Ben Conard '32; John Rodgers '33; Dale Kaufman '33; Al Frey '33; J. Alexander '35; Bob Eberly '39; Carl Korn '40; Ed Geiger '40; Howard Alter '41; Max Kiefer '46 & '49; Fred Grun '47; Bill Renton '47; Roy Ritz '48; Tom Jezzi '48; Jack Williams '48 & '52; Herb Wittman '49; Bob Clarke '50; Bill Elmore '52; Lou Wilson '62; Ken West '52. 

Alumni News

Our first Founder's Day in many years was well attended. There were twenty-one alumni present including several who haven't been around for a while. We hope they will return often to our Founder's Day Celebration. 

Al Powell '41, who could not come all the way from Iowa for the occasion sent us some information "for the boys". Says he has been married for ten years and has two boys; Al, Jr. 2 years, 10 months and Bill, 9 months; plus several extra pounds of weight, many gray hairs, and very little money. Al is working for the Douglas Fir Plywood Association in Ames, Iowa. 

Our newest alumni who graduated in February are all serving time. Ensign Bill Elmore is on the Destroyer USS Bronson. 

Lt. Jim Peters is at Fort Bening in Georgia. Marines Frank West and Lou Wilson are both lieutenants and both stationed at Quantico, Virginia. By the way Frank was married recently. Last to enter was Jackson Horner who was recently drafted into the army.

Congratulations to Murrell MoKinstry  '20 and Bill Lane '36 who received national awards for outstanding service as alumni to Theta Chi. These awards were presented at the annual eastern regional convention at Lehigh. We are certainly proud to know that they are Omegas. 

Here are some notes on some of our other alumni. Joe Jackson '50 who is working for the Fibre Specialty Manufacturing Co. in Chicago was married on March 21... Lt. Larry VanGorder '52 is now in Japan with the Marines...Lt. Jim. Phillips also with the Marines is at present stationed at Fort Sill, Oklahoma...We heard by the grapevine that both Harold Stetson '50 and Herbert Whitman '50 are "expecting" in the near future...Paul Brecht '52 is now working at Kaufmans in Pittsburgh...Ensign Sven Schiff '52 came home long enough to marry Joan Deeg a former co-ed of the college...Al Martin '52 who is with the Navy Air Force in Florida also managed to find time to tie the knot. His wife is the former Janet "Puppy" Clark...Ralph Stuck '52 now has a job with the Hagen Company in Cincinatti... Bob Clarke '50 who attended Founder's Day was preseat at the Saturday meeting in spirits if not in body.... 

Any alumni who has any information about himself or any of the other alummi which he would like to share through the Omegaphone please let us know and we will be glad to print it.

Casey Huston, Alumni Secretary 

New Pledges

Here is a list of the new neophytes now at Omega: Dino Fieni, Bob Urban, Al Long, Dom Alisio, Bill Youkers, Lamont Smith, Don Griffith, John Pershing, and Don Kaolin. 

Alumni Bond Drive

At this past Founder's Day, plans. were laid for a Bond Drive for the purpose of reducing the mortgage on the Chapter House. 

Co-chairmen Max Kipfer ('49) and Ray Ritz ('48) of the Bond Drive Committee are completing plans for the Drive that will be initiated on Alumni Day (October 1954).

Alumni Treasurer Al Frey ('33) gave the following report on the mortgage bond status. Original Bond issue in 1929 was $30,000 first mortgage gold bonds maturing in November 1954, and second mortgage bond issue of $20,000 maturing on February 1, 1940. Second mortgage bonds are completely paid off. Balance outstanding on 1st Mortgage Bonds is $18,000 (as of May 1, 1953). 

Of the above total, $13,000 is held by private individuals in the State College area who have no particular connection with the Fraternity. The other $5000 is held by the Grand Chapter of Theta Chi. 

The committee realizes that the college is also have a drive for funds at this time; however,.it is hoped that some money will be left for Dear old omega. 

Richard Fronko President 

Nominations for Alumni Corporation

Again this year, the Nominating Committee of Theta Chi of Penn State, Inc. is appealing to all Omegas for nominations of officers to be held at Homecoming; October 1953. Last year, both the nominations and the actual vote were the largest in the history of the Alumni Corporation. This year we would again like to set a new record. The following are the offices to be filled and the incumbents:

President - S. Dale Kaufman
Vice-President - F. J. Doan
Secretary - H. R. Alter, Jr.
Board of Directors - G. Chapman, Sr.*, R. B. Patterson J. A. Irwin, Fred Grun 

*G. W. Chapman, Sr. is automatically a member of the Board of Directors by virtue of being a memberiof the Grand Chapter. 

We would like every Omega to submit nominations for any or all of the offices to be filled, and send them before June 15. 

Officers Installed

The government of the chapter fell into the hands of a new group on Founder's Day, April 11th. Headed by Richard Fronko who was elected President, the remaining officers are as follows: 

Bill Reid. - Vice President
Tony Crisci - Graphite
Dick Lewis - Treasurer
Win Orben - IFC Representative
Rod Wiseman - House Manager
Lou Martini - Rushing Chairman
George Walz - Caterer
Alex Gregal - Social Chairman
Warren Hommas -Chaplain
Tom Maxwell - Athletic Chairman & Ass't Treasurer
Tom LaFerrara - Librarian
Rick Codori - Historian & Omegaphone Editor 

Omega Garners Honors

We're "busting the buttons" on our shirts over the accomplishments we attained at the recent regional assembly at Bethlehem, March 28. The best way to boast of the pelts Omega put under its belt is to tell you the story from beginning to end. 

Most of the cars left State Friday, however some didn't arrive until Saturday. Most of us stayed in the Bethlehem Hotel, but a few stayed in the homes of Casey Houston, Frank Cressmen, and Dom Alisio. Friday night the high spots of the locality were frequented by the Theta Chis of State. We hit the hay early because Saturday was going to be a big day. 

The first item on Saturday's agenda was round-table discussions at the Lehigh Chapter House in the morning. Business meetings took up the afternoon. Saturday evening the activities moved to the Masonic Temple for the assembly banquet. It was here that Omega shown forth. Cheering interrupted the meal intermittently, and we yelled louder than any of them. We put on a little staging in the song contest, and the Nittany Lion was along for this in the person of Al Gregal. We won hands down, and this only started our parade of awards. Of the eight awards offered Omega walked off with six of them. A dance and party capped the evening and the convention, We returned to State Sunday a tired but happy bunch of Theta Chis. 


The athletics are on the way up! That is if the rise in Theta Chi's standing from 32nd on Jan. 12 to 26th on April 1 means what we hope. 

Basketball season showed Omega well manned but out scored team. We ended season play with a 4-3 record (to our favor), a tie for league 3rd place and a drubbing at Clearfield's annual "Y" tournament. However, in a regional tournament at the University of Maryland, Omega got a runner-up spot. With our 3 entries in the handball singles failing to get beyond the first round of play, we looked toward better days ahead. Then came wrestling season and Bill Wendel showed the old Theta Chi zip before bowing to a not too superior grappler in the finals. Falling, but gently, by the tournament wayside were Bob Wendel and Gene Whitehouse who both turned credible jobs. Throughout the last few months our bowling team, headed by high-scorer and captain, Tony Crisci, has copped seventh place in the 14 team league. (NEEDED** ONE R. STUCK**). 

On the scene currently is volleyball, Where TC's two teams boast 1-1 and 2-1 records; handball doubles and badminton start very soon with Theta Chi ably represented in both. In Beer League corn, petition, Dutch Gohn started out on the right foot by pitching a no-hit shutout for a 3-0 win over Phi Sigma Delta. Four other wins including another no-hitter and 2 two-hitters, leave us leading the league with a 5-0 record, with an eye on a new trophy for the mantel. 

With an eye on the future we're all hoping for points in track, golf, and tennis which will help push us toward the top where Theta Chi belongs. 


Alma Mater first. That's a familiar phrase to all Theta Chis. The Omegaphone has been describing what's been done this semester at the house, but how about on the campus in regards to scholarship? 

Here again Omega has shown gains. A year ago at this time we stood 36th among the fraternities at State. Last semester we were 19th. The new scholarship standings are out and Omega is 11th on campus. The 1.42 we attained last semester is above the all-men, all-fraternity, and all-college averages. Elsewhere has been written the scholarship awards we received at the regional assembly. Last semester we also got a commendation from the college on scholarship achievement. Eleventh is a good spot to be sitting in, but we've set our sights still higher and are gunning for move up in the standings. 

How have we attained this position? One can't put his finger on the reason; except that hard work seems to be the answer. The pledges sign up for bluebooks, and due compensation is given them for time to study. They also must give the marks they receive on each exam. Study hours from 7:00 P. M. to 7:-- A. M., Sunday through Thursday, and 7:00 to 10:00 Friday nights are still enforced. The past semester, Jack Richards, Tom Morton, Bill Wendel, and Dick Fronko have been study hour monitors. Casey Houston and Orben have recently replaced Bill and Dick. Yours truly is also handing out fines for too much noise. 

It's quite enjoyable making a report such as this which seems quite favorable. We're hoping that the next scholarship report is just as pleasant to give. 

Bill Reid 

Hail and Farewell

I felt both sad and glad when I surrendered the gavel of authority to my most worthy successor as president, Dick Fronko, on Founder's Day weekend. I was glad because I was relieved of the burden of responsibilities and worries of the office, but I also felt a little remorse because I could recall instances where we had made some mistakes during the past year. I sincerely feel, however, that the past year was a good one for Omega - not because of my leadership, but due to the many factors that combined to make Omega what she is at present. 

Some of those factors were our rise in scholarship to eleventh place among the 53 fraternities at State; the high calibre of our social activities; the avid participation in house athletics; our fine showings at the National Convention at Los Angeles and the Region III Assembly at Lehigh; the all around "hustle", spirit of cooperation, and interest in the house by the alumni which certainly indicates a healthy situation. 

The credit for this situation rests in part with the fine job done by my predecessor, Jim Phillips; in part with the work of our actives in making a major effort to expand the rushing program so as to pledge only men of character and quality, and then through a well thought out pledge training program to turn out brothers who are ready to assume the responsibilities required of a fraternity mane In a very large part the credit for our success must be given to our alumni for the experience and the heritage of the past. It has been my observation that most leading, stable fraternity chapters have an active, interested alumni group behind them. We of Omega are proud of the efforts of our alumni and sincerely appreciate their cooperation in our problems. We can see how you men can benefit us in many mays, but I rish I could state in conducive, fluent phrases how we as undergraduates are beneficial to you. As an undergraduate, I am not qualified to answer this other than to say that we offer you a place where you may return and relive the "glorious days" with your brothers. 

So as I leave, my hope is that Omega continues its climb as a successful fraternal group and as a credit to Theta Chi and all it stands for. If the interest of the alumni continues to increase as it has in the past few years, I am sure Omega will truly be as one of our songs states: "We are the best, best of all the rest!!" 

Richard T. Johnson, Retiring President

Thank you to all those brothers that shared their news.

Checkout past issues of the Omegaphone by clicking here.

Download the Spring 1953 Omegaphone