Omega Chapter in The Rattle, Feb. 1942

As appeared in The Rattle - Vol. XXX No. 4 - February 1942

Chapter Improves Their Homes
Last Year Omega found its chapter house in a rather run down condition, and the brothers decided that this should and could be remedied. Accordingly, the house was painted both inside and out. The brothers did the painting of the exterior themselves. The clubroom was painted a light rose with a white trim for the woodwork. Also to add to the attractiveness of the clubroom a new rug was acquired and the furniture reupholstered. A new set of dishes was purchased.

Alumni Updates
William J. Gilmore Jr., ’41, was commissioned an ensign in the Naval Reserves at the time of graduation from Penn State last June, and is now stationed at the U. S. Naval Ordnance Plant, South Charleston, W. Va.