May 1938 Omegaphone

Below are excepts from the May 1938 Omegaphone, to read the entire issue, please download the pdf to the right

Merger of Theta Upsilon Omega 

At a national convocation last December Theta Upsilon Omega decided to merge nationally with another national fraternity. After carefully weighing all propositions that were offered, the Penn State chapter, Iota Alpha, decided not to go along with the national organization in the merger, but to accept the offer of Omega Chapter of Theta Chi.

After many visits by both groups, it was found that the two groups, Theta Chi and Theta Upsilon Omega, were alike in almost every respect.

The Theta Upsilon Omega group voted unanimously to move to Theta Chi on March 14. By March 19, moving was practically completed , and now an almost perfect coalition has resulted.

The active members and seventeen of the invited alumni were initiated on the ninth of April. The pledges of both groups were initiated on April 24.

The action of Iota Alpha chapter of Theta Upsilon Omega had the full sanction of the Theta Upsilon Omega national organization and also the sanction of the national Interfraternity Conference.

Welcome Mothers

It is with the greatest pleasure that we welcome the mothers of Omega Chapter. The new brothers have been looking forward to meeting the mothers of the old; the old to the meeting of the new. We are sure that the mothers will enjoy meeting each other. We take this opportunity to thank the club for last year's sorely needed gift of lampshades and lamps. 

Founder's Day 

Thirty-six alumni visited the chapter on the weekend of April 8-10 for the celebration of Founders' Day and the initiation of thirteen pledges, and seventeen alumni. Among those present were George W. Chapman, National Marshall, John G. Hotted., Regional Counselor, and Norman C. Homer, Alumni Association Treasurer. The actives were very glad to have an officer of the Grand Chapter present for the initiation ceremonies. The undergraduate brothers initiated are Browning, Creveling, Kahn, MacKay, Noonan, Owen, Siegfried, Ramsey, Seely, Seybert, Stover, Wodock, Wolf. The alumni who became brothers of Theta Chi were Bunnell, Chapman, Doty, Mendell, Learner, J. K. Lilley, J. P. Lilley, J. R. Lilley, Osterling, C. B. Paden, Parnell, P. A. Patterson, R. B.Patterson, Peters, Shank, Shay and Tobias -

Al Frey, Dale Kaufman, Jake Rodgers, and "Babe" Young; all back for Founders' Day-----a score of 100% attendance for the class of '33. 

College Building Program 

The General State Authority on April 5 awarded the contracts for the erection of nine new buildings and additions to two existing buildings on the college campus which cover the entire program with the exception of the service tunnels and additions to the power plant, contracts for which were let in January. The buildings included in the General State Authority contract are Liberal Arts, Forestry, Education, Library, Electrical Engineering, Agriculture Engineering, Blological Science and Chemistry, and Physics. The new Women's activities building being built with College funds is nearing completion. 

President's Message

Although the house is now filled to capacity it doesn't mean we can sit back and take life easy. On the contrary, because the way the clases are divided plenty of work can be seen in the future in regards to pledging men from the present freshmen class and the one that will enter in the fall. We only lose five men this June but the next June we lose fifteen: in order to off-set this sudden decrease in membership we will need at the very least ten freshmen next year. It sounds quite simple until next year's rushing code is considered. The rushing code is so arranged that the location of house alone puts us to a decided disadvantage even before rushing begins. The only solution to this is that of summer rushing. It simply means that we will have to contact our men in the summer in such a fashion that all rushing season in the fall will mean to them is a ten day postponement of pledging Theta Chi. This can well be done, if each of you will send every name you can possibly find to our rushing chairman. He will then send an active around to see him and begin talking Theta Chi even before he knows what our house looks like. In this way we will have the inside track when the actual rushing, in the fall, takes place. You need not send in a lengthy life history of the prospectus, but we should know whether he is planning to join a fraternity. Much valuable time is lost in rushing season on men that have no idea of going fraternity; if all of these 'dead-heads' are eliminated at the very beginning we, can put on a much more profitable rushing season. 

In closing let me again impress upon you that rushing this fall will be plenty tough unless we have someone to contact in the summer and you can help us tremendously by sending in prospects for us to go contact. Send them in NOW Its never too soon to rush!!!


John M. Metzger President 

June Graduates

Willard F. Browning: Soccer 1; Pershing Rifles 1, 2; biter Fraternity Ball Com-mittee 4; and in Theta Upsilon Omega. Chapter secretary 2, Treasurer 3, and President 4. He plans to teach high school chemistry.

Jack Gordon Maize: Pershing Rifles 1; Wrestling 1,2; Penn State Players 1,2; American Institute of Electrical Engineers 3,4; Vice-President of American Institute of Military Engineer 4; Chapter Chaplain 4. Future plans undecided.

W. Glenn Silvis: Block and Bridle 1,2; Live-stock Judging Teen 2. Plans to be a livestock herdsman.

Wayne A. Stover: Pershing Rifles 1,2; American Society of Mechanical Engineers 4; and in Theta Upsilon Omega, Chapter Chaplain 3. He plans to work for a steel company.

Alfred M. Tyson: R.O.T.C. Band 1, 2; Baseball 2; Intramural Boiling 1, 4; Plans to work as a chemist for a steel company.

Bernard Woodward, Jr.: Pershing Rifles 1; Assistant Football Manager 2; American Society of Mechanical Engineering, 4; Tau Beta Pi , Engineering, Secretary 4; Pi Tau Sigma, Mechanical Engineering. 3, 4, President 4; Sigma Tau, Engineering, 4; Phi Eta Sigma, Scholastic, 1 2,3,4; Phi Kappa Phi, Scholastic, 4; Honor Society, Council 4; Chapter Treasurer 2,3; Vice President 4; and the Chapter's Outstanding Man 3. He has a graduate esobolarchip at Penn State. 

Officers for Next Year 

In elections held on May 2 Brother Halpen, formerly secretary, succeeded Brother Metzger as president, the latter being elected second guard. Wodock replaced Woodward for vice-presidency; Young, former treasurer, was elected as secretary; Williams took over Young's job as treasurer; Korn was reelected marshal; and Kreider was elected chaplain. Geiger replaced Flagler as historian; and Quinn succeeded Price as librarian while Knowles was reelected First Guard. Seybert was elected as sophomore representative to Interfraternity Council. 

Philadelphia Frolic

On March 25, twenty nine Omegas journeyed a total of 3032 miles to attend the annual Philadelphia Frolic. A majority of the Grand Chapter was present including our own George Chapman. "Norm" Horner '19 and "Dan" Llewellyn '35 assisted with the official arrangements. "Cass" Cassel '19 and his quartet presented the "Theta Chi History Song" composed by himself and arranged by "Johnny" Price '39 as the chapter stunt. Although representatives from Delta, Kappa, Lambda, Pi, Upsilon, Alpha Xi, and Alpha Omega were also present, the Attendance Trophy, an empty white-jug, properly inscribed, was carried off by, the boys from Omega. 

On April 30. initiations were held for alumni of Theta Upsilon Omega. The following men were initiated: Aumiller, Blackwell, Dutcher, Hawkins, Henderson, James, Martin, and Myers; H.P. Paden, Seese, Shane, Smith, and Sweigart. On the same date, C. J. Newman, class of '39 became a brother. 

Guy W. Knight, '30 Apt. 6-A, Folcroft Court, Folcroft, Penna., is now an Assistant solicitor in the Legal Dept. of the Pennsylvania Railroad and is charged with important work in connection with labor matters. 


Our activities this year are many and varied. Genther has been playing on the varsity lacrosse team, Noonan is a member of the Blue Band, Osterhout sings in the base section of the Glee Club, while Wodock and Young are out for spring soccer practice. Quinn recently received his numerals for his work on the swimming squad. Geiger, Kreider and Keller have been devoting their spare time to the fencing team. Creveling has been awarded a letter for assistant managership of the gym team and Nickerbocker is the star sprinter on the freashman track team.

Theta Chi finished in third place in the intramural bowling league and won its first game with the Phi Sigma Kappa in the Allen Street mush boll league. 

Full House 

Omega now has thirty-eight brothers and two pledges living in the house, which fills her twenty rooms.

Ozzie Booz, Ed Geiger, Phil Kreider, and Glenn Silvis were granted the honor of becoming Theta Chi on March 6. Those initiated on April 24 are Hank Carver, Bob Eberly, Ed Osterhout, Al Powell, Frank Quinn and George Roth. Tom Madill and Roger Knickerbocker and newly pledged Fred Keller comprise the remainder of the group.


All brothers and friends are invited to stop in at the Chapter House for dinner, prepared by our new cook par excellence, Miss Bigelow.

Thank you to all those brothers that shared their news.

Checkout past issues of the Omegaphone by clicking here.

Download the May 1938 Omegaphone