Omega's In The News - The Rattle, Nov. 1937

The below stories about Omega appeared in the Nov. 1937 Rattle

Regional Counselorship Develop Leaders

George W. Chapman

George W. Chapman

Few men have more thoroughly proved their right to a place on the Grand Chapter than George W. Chapman, the new national marshal, whose service to Theta Chi has been manifold, first as president of Omega Chapter for two years, then as active delegate from that chapter, later as alumni dele-gate to various national conventions, as alumnus adviser to the Penn State chapter, as president for six years of the Omega Alumni Corporation, as chairman of the Regional Plan Committee, the adoption of whose report at the Miami convention put the program into operation, as counselor for Region 3, as manager of the successful Theta Chi Assembly at Philadelphia, and as a member of the 1937 national convention committee. Not only has he worked for Theta Chi, but he has planned admirably for the fraternity. He was largely responsible for working out the regional plan, and he has had an important part in inaugurating and working out fraternity legislation and a number of Theta Chi's constructive projects. National Marshal Chapman was born in Philadelphia, October 5, 1897. He was graduated in civil engineering from Penn State in 1920. He is sales engineer for the Berger Manufacturing Company and makes his home at 154 Wellington Road, Jenkintown, Pennsylvania. He and Mrs. Chapman have three children, two boys and a girl. At Penn State, besides being chapter president in his junior and senior years George Chapman was active in journalistic activities, in recognition of which he was elected to Pi Delta Epsilon. 

Enjoy Dad's Day 

The annual Penn State "Dad's Day" activities were held on the week-end of October 2. The families as well as dads of many of the Omega members spent a pleasant week-end at the chapter house. The football game with Gettysburg, a smoker for the dads, and excursions to near by points of interest were enjoyed by the parents. 

Omega in Intramurals 

For the first time in recent years Omega is active in intramural athletics at Penn State. The team entered in the bowling league is being watched with lively interest and should finish near the top of the list. The organization of other teams is underway. 

In Varied Activities 

Omega members engaged in campus activities at Penn State are: John Metzger, '39, first assistant football manager; John Price, '39, art staff Penn State Froth; William Young, '39, varsity soccer; John Genther, '39, varsity lacrosse; Spencer Cobb, '39, varsity swim-ming; Charles Williams„ '40, varsity rifle team; Pledges Edward Gieger, '40, and Philip Kreider, '41, fencing.