Omega News - May/June 1936 Rattle

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Omega has shown an appreciable improvement in scholarship over last year, and at the same time has justly claimed a share of campus leadership. 

Alvin Heutchy, '37, scored a 2.8f average for the first semester with 3.00 as the highest possible grade, thus maintaining an all-college average of 2.55. Bernard Wood-ward, '38, treasurer of the house, came through with 2.62, giving him an all-college average of 2.68. Three seniors, Robert Corley, William Ings, and Daniel Mearns, scored averages of 2.50. 

Many of Omega's men are actively engaged in campus affairs. Clyde M. Rinker, '37, chapter president for next year, and Thomas White, '36, are on the varsity la-crosse squad. John Genther, '30, shows promise of becoming an outstanding goalie on the freshman squad. Jack Patterson, '37, is a candidate for the varsity cross-country team. Alvin Heutchy is busy at the present time with spring wrestling. 

Several are seeking manager-ships. Edward Elliott, '28, has been elected associate business manager of the Penn State Collegian. In sports, George Harkcss, '38, sophomore class secretary, is to be first assistant manager of fencing; Don Livingston, '37, associate manager of gymnastics; Bernard Woodward, '38, first assistant manager of football and second assistant manager of tennis; John Metzger, '39, second assistant manager of football. 

Robert Cox, '37, served as a member of the Junior Prom Committee. White is connected with Penn State Players and Blue Band, while Rinker is a member of Thespians and Blue Band. Donald Livingston, '37, is a member of Scab-bard and Blade. 

The members have made improvement in the house this year. Many pictures and several trophies have been hung in various places. The chapter room was improved considerably by several of the brothers.—Edward H. Elliott