Robert Young Honored and More - The Rattle, May-June 1933
As appeared in The Rattle - Vol. XXI - No. 8 - May-June 1933
Robert H. Young '33
Contributed Most to Omega
For his diligent efforts and willingness to work for the benefit of the chapter, Robert H. Young, ’33, was named the man who contributed most to Omega at Pennsylvania State College. He is ever ready to assist any project that will help advance the chapter, and during his term as house president he served Theta Chi well. He was a valuable member of the varsity soccer team during his junior and senior years and was rewarded with a varsity “S.” In addition to his athletic activities, he was on the Honor Roll in his junior year. He attended the 76th annual convention of Theta Chi at New York as the delegate from the chapter.
Omega News
Harry V. Girard, ’31 is now with Sears, Roebuck & Co., and is living in Elizabeth, N.J.
John L. Carson ’32, is with the Philadelphia Welfare Federation.
Harry G. Heil ’30, is taking a short course t the college on Saturday mornings./
Recent visitors at the Omega chapter house have been: Albert W. Gilmer, ’32, Devere B. Decker, ’31, Fred F. Bastian, '22, Maxwell C. Suerken. ’30, Forrest G. Thompson, '30, Ross G. Miller, ’31.