March 1932 Omegaphone

Below are excepts from the March 1932 Omegaphone, to read the entire issue, please download the pdf to the right

Initiation Issue

Twelve pledge of Omega Chapter of Theta Chi have successfully carried out their preliminary training and are now newly-initiates, On their shoulders rests the future of our chapter. On them rests the responsibility of keeping the standard of Theta Chi ever high.

To these twelve men we dedicate this issue of the Omegaphone.

President’s Message

Sunday afternoon - March 13th - marked another step forward in the advancement of Omega Chapter when one honorary member and twelve pledges were given the final ceremony rites of our fraternity.

We hope that with the new men welcome new ideas for the betterment of Omega Chapter and also the benefit of Theta Chi Fraternity. It gives me great pleasure to welcome these thirteen men, and we trust that they will help us carry our fraternity on to bigger and better things.

C. E. Newcomer

First Honorary Member

Omega Initiated its first honorary resident member, Herbert M. Hofford, professor in the School of Journalism, March 13.

Mr. Hofford was graduated from Brown University in 1923 and became a reported on the staff of the Philadelphia Evening Bulletin. Two years later, having written a considerable number of articles for the national publication, he was offered the position of State Editor of the Providence Journal in Providence, Rhode Island.

In 1930 Mr. Hofford accepted a position with the college and he and his wife and two children moved to State College, in the fall of 1930.

Mr. Hofford is a popular professor with the student of the college and is advisor for three publications on the campus besides being a member of the two Journalistic honoraries at Penn State.

Omega is proud to have such a man on the faculty.

The Newly Initiates

  • Robert L. Grun ’35, Frankford, Pennsylvania

  • Louis W. Mattis ’35, Roxborough, Pennsylvania

  • S. Bruce Gillard ’35, Wissahickon, Pennsylvania

  • Daniel W. Llewellyn ’35, Roxborough, Pennsylvania

  • A. Norman Deitrich ’34, Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania

  • Chester V. Harbison ’35, West View, Pennsylvania

  • Joseph S. Alexander ’35, Germantown, Pennsylvania

  • Jon P. Schwenk ’35, Schwenksville, Pennsylvania

  • William A. Lange ’35, Bangor, Pennsylvania

  • Raymond C. Oakes ’35, Mount Jewett, Pennsylvania

  • Nelson W. Gilmer ’35, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

  • Leonard P. Deubler ’35, Narbeth, Pennsylvania

Initiation Banquet

The formal banquet on the evening of March 13, 1932, marked the close of this year’s initiation. The brothers donned their piccadilly collars and stiff fronts while the newly initiates were garbed, as usual, in their dark trousers, white shirts and flowing red ties. Oh! It was a gala occasion, toastmaster, Jack Carson - speeches by “Abe” Doan, Bob Burton, Norm Thomas, Eddie Newcomer, and S. Bruce Gillard, a good dinner with plenty to eat, and cigars@ It is needless to say that a good time was had by all, and the new brothers had an appropriate beginning for their fraternity life.


Among Theta Chi’s notables we find Sher Booth who graduated from the School of Liberal Arts in three and half years. Sher is now carrying graduate courses.

Larry Hann has returned to college after a sojourn of a semester in New York. We are looking forward to bigger and better chapter meeting arguments now.

Monsieur La Grippe has taken his toll in Omega, as no less than ten boys have been in his clutches to date. After waging a winning fight, however, the invalids emerged victorious and are now on their feet again.

While trying to impress upon the caterer that Wednesday night is Ice Cream Night and not the time for lemon frost, Paul Fugate and Bud Griener burst into song, “We want ice cream.” o.k. Eddie Cantor.

A problem that has been puzzling most of the brothers in why Eddie White and Al Gilmer sleep all afternoon and then rush into the bath room crying, “Who’s going to give me a wash stand - I only have five minutes to get down to the movies.”

The ridgeway gigolo crashed through the other week-end. You just can’t keep a good man down. Its too bad she couldn’t see you in your army suit, Jauhn.

There is no doubt about it - these Theta Chis are smooth. Remember the night when three brothers attended a banquet in borrowed derbies? Well, what if they didn’t fit?

“In the spring a young man’s fancy lightly turns to thoughts of - how can i get out of my eight o'clock classes?” It’s a good thing the nurse at the dispensary succumbs to pleas of being under the weather quite easily. She’s a pal!

Did you ever hear the story about the fraternity by who never borrowed a cigarette? Ask Bob Faries to relate it to you some time. He is an authority on the subject of “how to beg a weed from a good-hearted brother.” Isn’t it strange how some boys always carry their “smokes” in there other suit?

Be it known to you all that Hulking, Bulking, Rodge, Podge has received a title. Even his best friends now call him Jerge Rerdge Pete.

Interfraternity Conference

The Penn State Interfraternity Conference was held Friday and Saturday, February 26 and 27. This conference comprised a series of luncheons for the purpose of discussing problems to the particular group attending.

It stared Friday evening with a dinner at the new Nittany Lion Inn. Theta Chi was represented by Ed Newcomer, Charlie Schwenk and Ernie Wilby. The speakers of the evening were Mr. J. Maxwell Fassett who gave an inspiring talk on friendship, and Mr. Wilbur M. Walden who presented charts showing the situation among the fraternities at State College. Both Wilby and Newcomer enjoyed the banquet immensely, but Schwenk thought the meal was too much like the meals at the Theta Chi house because they wouldn’t give him seconds. Nope, it wasn’t the same kind of chicken you get at Schwenksville, Charlie.

On Saturday there were luncheons for Chapter Advisors, Presidents, Treasurers, Caterers, Scholarship Chairman, and Chapter Paper Editors.

This same Council will meet here two years hence, and are looking for an improvement in the fraternities, so lets get on our toes and do our bit to help.

Attention Alumni

At a recent meeting of editors of chapter papers sponsors by Interfraternity Council, it was suggested that more space be devoted to alumni activities. In view of this fact, we wish that the alumni of Omega would cooperate with us by sending is any information of yourselves or your graduate brothers. Thus we expect to bring the alumni and the actives of Omega more closely together. Remember, Keep in Touch!

Our Athletes

Roy Maize, captain of PennState’s wrestling team, has wrestled his last bout for his Alma Mater. His career has been marked with many degrees of success, at times, rising to heights of fame. Roy’s graduation will leave a big hole for Coach Speidel to fill next fall.

Charley Hammond’s basketball career has come to a close after playing one year of a “frosh” and three more with the Varsity. He is, undoubtedly, the most versatile man on the team, having played forward, center and guard. Coach Herman will look a long time before he finds another man like Charley on whom he can depend in a pinch.

Alumni Notes

Recent alumni visitors include the following:

Fredrich R. Greener ’28 and his wife dropped in for a week-end and brought with them their pet chow. Fred graduated from the Columbia Law School last year and is now practicing law in Philadelphia.

Harry Girard ’31, who is connected with the Bell Telephone Company in Philadelphia paid us a visit.

Forest G. Thompson ’30, who is in the mushroom industry at Kennett Square, Pennsylvania, dropped in to see us.

Charles H. Anderson ’31, who is working for his father in the garage business in Mahaffey, Pennsylvania, came to see us recently.

J. S. Alexander

Omega is again holding her own in extra-curricular activities. Roy Maize, our hundred and eighteen pounder, captains the wrestling team while Charlie Hammond sports the blue and white on the basketball squad. Managership candidates include Kaufman, a first assistant in gym; Fay, a second assistant in wrestling; Coates, a second assistant in baseball; and Osgood, a second assistant in gym. Booth and Keene are associate mangers of lacrosse and gym respectively. Young, Wilby, and Skillen will report for spring soccer practice in a few weeks. Skillen, incidentally, is also a tennis prodigy and should win his letter at this sport.

In the freshman class Alexander has won his numerals for cross-country while Gillard is, at present, alternating as center of the yearling basketball team. Spring candidates will include Llewellyn, soccer; J. Schwenk, baseball; Gilliard, lacrosse; Harbison, gym; and Alexander, track.

Al Gilmer and Hammond were on the Military Ball Committee while Charley Schwenk is helping prepare for the coming Interfraternity Ball. Al Frey is on the Junior Blazer committee.

J. S. Alexander

Thank you to all those brothers that shared their news.

Checkout past issues of the Omegaphone by clicking here.

Download the March 1932 Omegaphone