Omega News and Updates - The Rattle, May 1930

As appeared in The Rattle - May 1930

Seniors - Omega - Pennsylvania State College 

Maxwell C. Suerken, B. S., 521 West 10th St., Erie, Pa. President chapter (4); Glee Club; Varsity Quartet; Interfraternity Council delegate (3, 4); Chapel Choir. Will enter the Reliance Electric Co., Cleveland, Ohio. 

Forrest G. Thompson, B. S., Chatham, Pa. Stunt Nite Committee; Chi Epsilon. Will enter the Mushroom Supply Co., Toughbenamon, Pa. 

Guy W. Knight, A. B., 19 Taylor Ave., Linwood, Pa. Players; Pi Lambda Sigma; associate editor La Vie; Sophomore Hop Committee. Will enter law school in September. 

Harry G. Heil, A. B., Coalport, Pa. Varsity baseball squad; Pi Lambda Sigma; captain, R. O. T. C.; Scabbard and Blade. Will teach. 

Seniors Omega Pennsylvania State College 

— Gordon S. Altman, 339 W. 9th St., Erie, with the Hall Advertising Co.

— J. Kenneth Barnes is at home, 5130 N. Mervine St., Philadelphia, Pa.

— John J. Bowman, re-search department, Aluminum Company of America. Residence: 310 Manor Road, New Kensington, Pa

— Richard A. Geuder, 1839 Knowles Ave., Cleveland, Ohio, promotion engineer of sales department of the Reliance Electric Co

— Gilbert S. Gruber, in Business School of Harvard University.

— Robert L. Kerr, 142 W. Sharnnack St., Philadelphia, with Westinghouse in South Philadelphia.

— Otto P. L. Meyer, 406 Gar-field St., North Hibbing, Minn., is following his profession in the mineral industries.

— Carleton H. Valentine, Marcus Hook, Pa., is connected with the Sun Oil Co.