Omega in The Rattle - The Rattle, March 1930

As appeared in The Rattle - March 1930

At the Alter - At the Cradle

Omega (Penn State) Benton W. Norton, ’25, to Wilma Griffith, '26, Oberlin, August 5, at Bradford, Pa. Brother Norton's address is 43337 Chester Drive, Youngstown, Pa. He is assistant superintendent of blast furnaces for the Republic Iron and Steel Co. 

In the World of Affairs

Omega (Pennsylvania State)—A. A. Dow, • '28, is assistant to the chief metallurgist of the Carnegie Steel Company, Farrel, Pa.—Elmer C. Way, '27, is connected with a match factory in Bellefonte, Pa., and is living at 21 E. Curtain St.—Benjamin F. Ricker, '27, is working for the Cook's Tour Company in Philadelphia. 

Tolling of the Bell

George Tolley, Omega, '24, was killed December 6 as the result of falling a distance of 900 feet down a mine shaft, which he was inspecting with the superintendent of the mine. Funeral services were held in Dover, New Jersey. 

News from Omega Chapter

(By F. G. THOMPSON) Pennsylvania State College, Feb. 12. Omega regrets the loss of Guy W. Knight, '30, and Harry G. Heil, '30, who were graduated at semesters. The former was active on the campus, especially in dramatics. He not only participated in many plays, but directed several as well. He will be at 19 Taylor Ave., Linwood, Pa, until he enters law school at Dickinson next fall Brother Heil was a pitcher on the baseball squad. During next semester he will practice teaching.—We had the pleasure of a recent visit from Harry It Hesse, Alpha Kappa, who was holding the 145-pound berth on the West Virginia baring team.—Ross Miller, '31. was appointed to the Junior Ball Committee.—Roy Maize, '32, 115-pound wrestler won his first varsity meet by throwing his opponent from the University of Pennsylvania in six minutes and eighteen seconds. —Kenneth Page. W., play in "The Good Hope, and has a part in "White Collars," as has Benjamin Conard, ’32.