Paddling Eliminated at Omega - The Rattle, Dec. 1929

As appeared in The Rattle - December 1929

The below is an excerpt from a story about Paddling and Hell Week Torture Must Stop If the College Fraternities Are to Continue

The following statement, which appeared in the April, 1919, issue of The Omegaphone, chapter publication of Omega Chapter, Penn State College, explains it-self: 

"A year ago Omega barred all paddling from the initiation ceremony. This year a further step towards dignity and solemnity was taken when the probation week was radically revised. Outside display was eliminated entirely, and paddling reduced to little more than a gesture. 

 "Since that time the chapter has passed a motion to the effect that in the future there will be no roughness or undignified conduct during any fraternity ceremony. Paddling has gone from Omega. A discipline committee has taken its place. 

"The committee is composed of one member from each of the three upper classes, and the president and marshall. It will decide the punishment to be meted out for any infraction of the chapter's disciplinary code. "The establishment of this committee is a continuation of a chapter policy that has existed for several years. We are further pleased that this policy coincides with that of the Grand Chapter." …