Kimberly Sutton and Richard Maltz - Spring 1988
Photo courtesy of Kim Sutton

Top to Bottom: Marie Handrich, Steve Sennett, Richard Maltz, Kim Sutton and Mark Woehrel - 1988
Photo courtesy of Kim Sutton

L to R: Richard Maltz, Kim Sutton, Philip Katchur - 1988
Photo courtesy of Kim Sutton

Philip Katchur - Little Sister Night 1988
Photo courtesy of Kim Sutton

1988 Fall Pledge Bolt - L to R: Chris Bartnik, James Wilkins, Brian Aguilera, Mark Woehrel, Jason Ross and Robert Gough

1988 Fall Pledge Bolt - Mark Woehrel

1988 Fall Pledge Bolt - Chris Heidrick (L) and Mark Woehrel

1988 Fall Pledge Bolt - L to R: Kevin Shayer, Robert Gough and James Wilkins

1988 Fall Pledge Bolt - L to R; Chris Bartnik, James Wilkins, Robert Gough, Brian Aguilera and Jason Ross

1988 Fall Pledge Bolt - Jason Ross (L) and Mark Woehrel

Tk - 1988
Photo courtesy of Kim Sutton

L to R: Scott Mayhew, Patrick McKinnon, Diane Keck and Mark Prushinski - Greek Week Chariot Race with Theta Kappa Pi - Daily Collegian 1988
Image courtesy of Kim Sutton

Amy Wentling - Formal 1988
Photo courtesy Kim Sutton

Kim Sutton (L) and Amy Wentling - Formal 1988
Photo courtesy Kim Sutton

Katie Snyder (L) and Kim Sutton - 1988 Formal
Photo courtesy Kim Sutton

Amy Wentling (L) and Kim Sutton - 1988 Formal
Photo courtesy Kim Sutton

L to R: Courtney Graham, Angie Light, Amy Wentling and Kim Sutton - 1988
Photo courtesy Kim Sutton

Kim Sutton (L) and Catherine Vanemburgh - 1988 Formal - Photo courtesy of Kim Sutton

Clockwise from top Left: Greg Hotsenpiller, Mike Stein, David Schrader, Amy Wentling, Katie Snyder, Kim Sutton - Formal 1988
Photo courtesy Kim Sutton

Greg Hotsenpiller and Kim Sutton - Formal 1988
Photo courtesy of Kim Sutton

Clockwise from top left: Angie Light, Amy Wentling, Courtney Graham, Marie Handrich, Kim Sutton and Lisa Mabus - 1988 Formal
Photo courtesy Kim Sutton/Amy Wentling

L to R: Mark Prushinski, Bonnie Spoltore and Kim Sutton - 1988
Photo courtesy Kim Sutton

Richard Maltz and Lynn Millick - Sewer 1988
photo courtesy of Lynn Millick La Roe

L to R: G. Scott Fitzgerlad, Lynn MIllick and Cameron McKenzie- Sewer 1988
photo courtesy of Lynn Millick La Roe

Bill Herron - 1988
photo courtesy of Lynn Millick La Roe

TK, Kim Sutton and Bonnie Spoltore - Little Sister Night 1988
Photo courtesy Kim Sutton

Alan Alper - 1988
Photo courtesy Kim Sutton

Dennis Foley - 1988
Photo courtesy Kim Sutton

TK and Rod Miller - 1988
Photo courtesy Kim Sutton

Mark Franz - 1988
Photo courtesy Kim Sutton

Steve Dodge (L) and Philip Katchur - 1988
Photo courtesy Kim Sutton

Rod Miller - 1988
Photo courtesy Kim Sutton

Amy Wentling and James Fox - 1988
Photo courtesy Kim Sutton

Russell Marky (L) and Rod Miller - 1988
Photo courtesy Kim Sutton

Jeff Damcott - 1988
Photo courtesy Kim Sutton

Richard Maltz - 1988
Photo courtesy Kim Sutton

Mark Woehrel - 1988
Photo courtesy Kim Sutton

Scott Mayhew - 1988
Photo courtesy Kim Sutton

Mike Feeney - 1988
Photo courtesy Kim Sutton

Doug Burry - 1988
Photo courtesy Kim Sutton

Robert Scavello (L) and Scott Mayhew - 1988
Photo courtesy Kim Sutton

Amy Wentling and James Fox - 1988
Photo courtesy Kim Sutton

Mark Woehrel - 1988
Photo courtesy Kim Sutton

Steve Sennet (L) and Bill Herron - 1988
Photo courtesy Kim Sutton

Mark Kelly - 1988
Photo courtesy Kim Sutton

Scott Mayhew - 1988
Photo courtesy Kim Sutton

Amy Wentling and Mike Noble - 1988
Photo courtesy Kim Sutton

L to R: Greg Hotsenpiller, Rob Scavello and Pat McKinnon - 1988
Photo courtesy Kim Sutton

Mike Feeney (L) and Brian Fincher - 1988
Photo courtesy Kim Sutton

Pat McKinnon - 1988
Photo courtesy Kim Sutton

Lynn Millick and Richard Maltz - 1988
photo courtesy of Lynn Millick La Roe

Richard Maltz and Bonnie Spoltore - 1988
photo courtesy of Lynn Millick La Roe

L to R: Mark Woehrel, James Fox, Jim Smith, John Buyarski, Robert Kramer and Marie Handrich - 1988
photo courtesy of Lynn Millick La Roe

L to R: Marie Handrich, Robert Kramer, Kevin Shayer, Reed Goodwin and James Fox - 1988
photo courtesy of Lynn Millick La Roe

Lynn MIllick - 1988
photo courtesy of Lynn Millick La Roe

Scott Kost (L) and Mark G. Kelly - 1988
photo courtesy of Lynn Millick La Roe

L to R: Robert Kramer, Marie Handrich, Jim Smith, Lynn MIllick, John Buyarski, James Fox and Michelle Kramer - 1988
photo courtesy of Lynn Millick La Roe

Clockwise from left: Michael Becker, Jim Stuhltrager, Marie Handrich, Bob Kramer, Kevin Shayer, Scott Kost, James Walker, TK and TK - 1988
photo courtesy of Lynn Millick La Roe

L to R: John Buyarski James Fox and Mark Franz - 1988
photo courtesy of Lynn Millick La Roe

L to R: Michelle Kramer, Richard Maltz and Michael Noble - 1988
photo courtesy of Lynn Millick La Roe

Scott Taylor (L) and Rick RJ James - 1988
photo courtesy of Lynn Millick La Roe

Robert Kramer - 1988
photo courtesy of Lynn Millick La Roe

Michael Stein (L) and Chris Bartnik - 1988
photo courtesy of Lynn Millick La Roe

L to R: Tom Scary, Jason Ross, TK and Kevin Shayer - 1988
photo courtesy of Lynn Millick La Roe

Michael BEcker (L) and Chris Heidrick - 1988
photo courtesy of Lynn Millick La Roe

Richard Maltz - 1988
photo courtesy of Lynn Millick La Roe

Mark Woehrel - 1988
photo courtesy of Lynn Millick La Roe

J. Scott Fitzgerald - 1988
photo courtesy of Lynn Millick La Roe

Alan Alper - 1988
photo courtesy of Lynn Millick La Roe

Lynn Millick (L) and Lisa Mabus - 1988
photo courtesy of Lynn Millick La Roe

Michelle Kramre and Brian Aguilera - 1988
photo courtesy of Lynn Millick La Roe

Jens Bolch (L) and James Fox - 1988
photo courtesy of Lynn Millick La Roe

Chris Bartnik (L) and Jason Ross - 1988
photo courtesy of Lynn Millick La Roe

Emily Vergara - 1988
photo courtesy of Lynn Millick La Roe

Brian Aguilera - 1988
photo courtesy of Lynn Millick La Roe

Clockwise from bottom Left: Michael Feeney, John Troyan, G. Scott Fitzgerald, Mark Woehrel, Rick RJ James, Shane Balcik, John Buyarski, John Chabbott and Heidi Retter - 1988
photo courtesy of Lynn Millick La Roe

Greg Allan - 1988 - photo courtesy of Lynn Millick La Roe

Jeff Damcott - 1988
photo courtesy of Lynn Millick La Roe

Lisa Mabus and Robert Kramer - 1988
photo courtesy of Lynn Millick La Roe

1988 Fall - Scott Taylor turns 21 with Tim Burke

1988 Fall - Scott Taylor turns 21

1988 Fall - Bill Herron, Alan Lauder and Scott Taylor turns 21

1988 Fall -L to R: Mark Franz, Jens Bolch, Mark Woehrel, Richard Maltz, Scott Mayhew, Connie, Greg Allan and John Fischer

1988 Fall - Mark Woehrel

John Buyarski and Emily Vergara - 1988
photo courtesy of Lynn Millick La Roe

Bill Ross (L) and Mike Stein
Spring 1988
Photo courtesy Mike Stein

L to R: Mike Stein, Mike Becker, Phil Katchur and Chris Heidrick
- Greek Sing 1988
Photo courtesy Mike Stein

L to R: Mike Becker, Russ Marky and Amy Wentling - 1988

Richard Maltz and Marie Handrich - 1988
Photo courtesy Amy Wentling

L to R: Erwin Les'Pere, Jim Smith and Eric Withaar - 1988
photo courtesy of Jim Smith

Bill Ross Jr., Jim Smith, Patrick McKinnon and Philip Katchur - 1988
photo courtesy of Jim Smith

L to R: Brenda Doan, Matt McGowan, TK, Jim Smith, Erwin Les'Pere, Megan TK - 1988
photo courtesy of Jim Smith

Steve Martin and Tanya Baronti - 1988
photo courtesy Kimberly KiMpa Thomas

Kerry Smith and Jim Smith - 1988
photo courtesy of Jim Smith

Chris Thomson (L) and David Lathem - 1988
photo courtesy Kimberly KiMpa Thomas

L to R: Scott Kost, Scott Mayhew, Michael Becker, Bill Ross, Steve Dodge and Richard Maltz - Cancun, Mexico - Spring Break 1988

L to R: Scott Taylor, Chris Heidrick and Steve Dodge - Cancun, Mexico - Spring Break 1988

Scott Mayhew - Cancun, Mexico - Spring Break 1988

L to R: Scott Mayhew, Renee Nozworthy, Chris Heidrick, Bill Ross, Steve Dodge and TK - Cancun, Mexico - Spring Break 1988

Scott Mayhew - Cancun, Mexico - Spring Break 1988

Richard Maltz (L) and Scott Mayhew - Cancun, Mexico - Spring Break 1988

Chris Heidrick (bottom) and Scott Mayhew - Cancun, Mexico - Spring Break 1988

Steve Dodge (L) and Scott Taylor - Cancun, Mexico - Spring Break 1988

L to R: Chris Heidrick, Scott Mayhew and Richard Maltz - Cancun, Mexico - Spring Break 1988

Chris Heidrick - Cancun, Mexico - Spring Break 1988

L to R: Chris Heidrick, Steve Dodge, Richard Maltz, Rob Scavello, Scott Kost - Cancun, Mexico - Spring Break 1988

Scott Mayhew - Cancun, Mexico - Spring Break 1988

L to R: Steve Dodge, Bill Ross and Scott Mayhew - Cancun, Mexico - Spring Break 1988

Steve Dodge (L) and Scott Taylor - Cancun, Mexico - Spring Break 1988

Steve Dodge - Cancun, Mexico - Spring Break 1988

L to R: Steve Dodge, Scott Mayhew and Bill Ross - Cancun, Mexico - Spring Break 1988

L to R: Steve Dodge, Scott Mayhew, Richard Maltz, Rob Scavello and Scott Taylor - Cancun, Mexico - Spring Break 1988

1988 March - Cancun Spring Break - L to R: Steve Dodge, Rob Scavello, Scott Mayhew, Richard Maltz and Scott Taylor

L to R: Chris Heidrick, Bill Ross, Scott Mayhew, Richard Maltz and Steve Dodge - Cancun, Mexico - Spring Break 1988

1988 March - Cancun Spring Break - Clockwise from left: Chris Heidrick, Bill Ross, Scott Mayhew, Steve Dodge, Richard Maltz, Shefali Shah and Stephanie Meyers

L to R: Scott Taylor, Steve Dodge, Scott Mayhewm Bill Ross, Rob Scavello and Chris Heidrick - Cancun, Mexico - Spring Break 1988

Steve Dodge - Cancun, Mexico - Spring Break 1988

Steve Dodge - Cancun, Mexico - Spring Break 1988

Steve Dodge - Cancun, Mexico - Spring Break 1988

Chris Heidrick - Cancun, Mexico - Spring Break 1988

Chris Heidrick - Cancun, Mexico - Spring Break 1988

L to R: Chris Heidrick, Steve Dodge, and Rob Scavello - Cancun, Mexico - Spring Break 1988

Rob Scavello (L) and Scott Mayhew - Cancun, Mexico - Spring Break 1988

Bill Ross (L) and Steve Dodge - Cancun, Mexico - Spring Break 1988

Richard Maltz (L) and Scott Mayhew - Cancun, Mexico - Spring Break 1988

Richard Maltz - Cancun, Mexico - Spring Break 1988

Richard Maltz - Cancun, Mexico - Spring Break 1988

Steve Dodge (L) and Bill Ross - Spring Break 1988 - Cancun, Mexico

Steve Dodge (L) and Bill Ross - Spring Break 1988 - Cancun, Mexico

L to R: Shefali Shah, Bill Ross, Connie and Steve Dodge - Spring Break 1988 - Cancun, Mexico

1988 March - Cancun Spring Break - Shefali Shah, Bill Ross, Connie and Steve Didge

1988 March - Cancun Spring Break - Stephanie Meyers (L) and Shefali Shah

1988 March - Cancun Spring Break - Shefali Shah (L) and Stephanie Meyers

1988 March - Cancun Spring Break - Stcve Dodge, Chris Heidrick, RIchard Maltz, Shefali Shah and Robert Scavello

1988 March - Cancun Spring Break - Steve Dodge, Chris Heidrick, COnnie, RIchard Maltz and Bill Ross

1988 March - Cancun Spring Break - Scott Kost, Richard Maltz, Scott Taylor, Mike Becker, Scott Mayhew, Shefali Shah, Chris Heidrick, Robert Scavello, Stephanie Meyers, Bill Ross and Steve Dodge

1988 March - Cancun Spring Break - Connie and Shafli

1988 March - Cancun Spring Break - Chris Heidrick, Stephanie Meyers, Scott Mayhew, Mike Becker and Shefali Shah

1988 March - Cancun Spring Break - Las Perlas Imperial Hotel

1988 March - Cancun Spring Break - Las Perlas Imperial Hotel - Lobby

1988 March - Cancun Spring Break - Shefali Shah (L) and Stephanie Meyers

1988 March - Cancun Spring Break - Scott Kost

1988 March - Cancun Spring Break - Steve Dodge, Chris Heidrick, Scott Taylor, Stephanie Meyers, Robert Scavello, Scott Mayhew, Shefali Shah and Richard Maltz

1988 March - Cancun Spring Break - Shefali Shah, Richard Maltz, Scott Mayhew and Stephanie Meyers

L to R: Scott Mayhew, Chris Heidrick, and Steve Dodge - Spring Break 1988 - Cancun, Mexico

L to R: Chris Heidrick, Steve Didge and Bill Ross - Spring Break 1988 - Cancun, Mexico

Shefali Shah and Richard Maltz - Spring Break 1988 - Cancun, Mexico

Jamie Wilkins - Fall 1986 2 Year Anniversary Celebration - Fall 1988

1988 Littel Sister Dinner - Kris Ficca and Jason Ross

Greg Allan (top) and Scott Mayhew - Fall 1986 2 Year Anniversary Celebration - Fall 1988

Chris Bartnik (L) and Jim Fox - Fall 1986 2 Year Anniversary Celebration - Fall 1988

L to R: Chris Heidrick, Jamie Wilkins, Rob Gough, Chris Bartnik and Jim Fox - Fall 1986 2 Year Anniversary Celebration - Fall 1988

Clockwise from top left: Mark Prushinski, Dennis Foley, Chris Heidrick, Greg Allan, Scott Mayhew and Jim Fox - Fall 1986 2 Year Anniversary Celebration - Fall 1988

Scott Mayhew (lower left), Greg Allan and Richard Maltz - Fall 1986 2 Year Anniversary Celebration - Fall 1988

L to R: Scott Mayhew, Greg Allan, Tatchi the Dog and Jesse - Fall 1986 2 Year Anniversary Celebration - Fall 1988

L to R, Jim Fox, Chris Heidrick, Scott Mayhew, Greg Allan, Tiffany Santavicca, Mark Prushinski, Dennis Foley and Scott Hadderman - Fall 1986 2 Year Anniversary Celebration - Fall 1988

L to R: Scott Mayhew, TIffany Santavicca and Mark Prushinski - Fall 1986 2 Year Anniversary Celebration - Fall 1988

Pat McKinnon (L) and Bill Ross - 1988

Bill Ross (L) and Pat McKinnon - 1988

Bill Ross (L) and Pat McKinnon - 1988

Steve Dodge - 1988

Theta Chi in Skins - L to R: Bill Ross, Russ Marky, Thomas Scary and Chris Thomson - Spring 1988

1988 Littel Sister Dinner - Tom Scary and Danielle

1988 Littel Sister Dinner - Michelle Kramer and TK

1988 Littel Sister Dinner - Anne Hughes, Erwin Les’Pere and Kris Ficca

1988 Littel Sister Dinner - Jamie WIlkins, Kevin Shayer, John Fischer and Connie

1988 - Eric Withaar

1988 - Rick RJ James and Richard Maltz

Spring 1988 - Jens Bolch (L) and Rich Dubin

Spring 1988 - Rich Dubin

Spring 1988 -Dennis Foley

Spring 1988 - Steve Martin

Spring 1988 - Pat McKinnon

Spring 1988 - Ed Brown (L) and Phil Katchur

Fall 1987 - 87-88 Little Sister Pledge Class - Clockwise from top left: Marie Handrich, TK, Amy Wentling, Angie Light, Courtney Graham, Kim Sutton and Lisa Mabus

1988 - Scott Mayhew

1988 - L to R: Sue Sutton, Erwin Les'Pere, Jim Fox, Mike Noble, Chris Heidrick and Shefali Shah

1988 - John McHenry (L) and Rob Scavello with Kirs Ficca and Jeff Damcott in background

1988 - Rob Scavello

1988 - Mike Noble

1988 - Leo Sugg, Jamie Alder, Robert Scavelllo and Randy Siegman

1988 - Greek Week Practice - Greg Allan and Scott Mayhew

1988 - Greek Week Practice - Wark Woehrel (C)

1988 - Greek Week Practice - Scott Kost, JJ Wolf and Chris Heidrick

1988 - Greek Week Practice - JJ Wolfe, Steve Dodge, Dave Lathem and Scott Kost

1988 - Greek Week Practice - Chris Heidrick (C)

1988 - Greek Week Practice - Clockwise from back left: Chris Heidrick, JJ Wolfe, Marc Woehrel, David Schrader, Scott Mayhew, Cameorn McKenzie, John McIntyre, Alan Lauder, Dave Lathem, John Fischer, Scott Kost, Jim Stuhltrager and Steve Dodge

Spring 1988 - Russ Marky (L) and Mike Stein

Spring 1988 - Mark Franz, Tom Stella and Cameron McKenzie

Spring 1988 - John Buyarski

Spring 1988 - Rodney Miller

Spring 1988 - Chris Heidrick

Spring 1988 - Scott Mayhew

Spring 1988 - Marie Handrich

Spring 1988 - Lisa Mabus

Spring 1988 - Greek Week - Mike Noble

Spring 1988 - Greek Week - Mark Prushinski, Scott Mayhew and Dave Latham

Spring 1988 - IM Volleyball - Pat McKinnon and Steve Dodge

Spring 1988 - IM Volleyball - Phil Katchur

Spring 1988 - IM Volleyball - Russ Marky

Spring 1988 - IM Volleyball - Steve Dodge and Brian Fincher

Spring 1988 - IM Volleyball - Steve Dodge and Brian Fincher

Spring 1988 Pledge Bolt - The Return - L to R: Dave Schrader, Scott Fitzgerald, Mark Franz, Dan Kahl, John McIntyre, Fabrico Grimaldi, Eric Withaar and Alan Lauder

Spring 1988 Pledge Bolt - The Return - L to R: Dave Schrader, Dan Kahl, Mark Franz and John McIntyre

Spring 1988 Pledge Bolt - The Return - L to R: Cameron (CJ) McKenzie, John Fischer, John Wolfe, Dave Schrader, Scott Fitzgerald, Eric Withaar and Mark Franz

Spring 1988 Pledge Bolt - The Return - L to R: John McIntyre, John Fischer, Eric Withaar, Richard Maltz and Alan Lauder

Spring 1988 Pledge Bolt - The Return - L to R: Russ Marky, Cameron (CJ) McKenzie, John Fischer and John Troyan

Spring 1988 Pledge Bolt - The Return - L to R: John Troyan, Cameron (CJ) McKenzie, Scott Fitzgerald and Mark Franz

Spring 1988 - Skating Party - Standing L to R: Richard Dubin, Steve Martin, Scott Mayhew, Chris Trentini, Amy Wentling, Mark Woehrel, Kerry Smith, Lisa Mabus - Bottom Row L to R: John McHenry and David Lathem

Spring 1988 - Skating Party - Scott Mayhew

Spring 1988 - Skating Party - Chris Trentini

Spring 1988 - Mike Feeney

Spring 1988 Annoucement in the Daily Collegian about the Spring 1988 pledge class - John Fischer, Scott Fitzgerlad, Mark Franz, Fabricio Grimaldi, Dan Kahl, Alan Lauder, John McIntyre, Cameron McKenzie, David Schrader, John Troyan, Eric Withaar and John Wolfe

Winter 1988 - Jim Fox (L) and Jamie Koppersmith

Winter 1988 - Jill and Scott Mayhew

Winter 1988 - David Schrader (L) and Cameron (CJ) McKenzie

Winter 1988 - L to R: Dave Latham

Winter 1988 - L to R: Steve Sennett, Mike Feeney and Scott Mayhew

Winter 1988 - Scott Kost

Winter 1988 - Russ Marky

Winter 1988 - Bill Herron

Winter 1988 - Mike Becker

Spring 1988 - Pledging In - L to R: John Troyan, Alan Lauder, Dan Kahl, Mark Franz andDave Schrader

Spring 1988 - Pledging In - L to R: John Fischer, Scott Fitzgerald and Rod Miller

Spring 1988 - Pledging In - John Fischer (L) and Alan Lauder

Spring 1988 - Pledging In - L to R: Tom Scary, Cameron (CJ) McKenzie,John Fischer and Mark Kelly

Spring 1988 - Pledging In - L to R: John McHenry, Mike Feeney, John Buyarski and Mike Noble

Spring 1988 - Russ Marky (L) and Tom Stella

Spring 1988 - Angie Light and Mark Woehrel

Spring 1988 - Chris Thomson (L) and Brian Fincher

Spring 1988 - Brian Fincher (L) and Chris Thomson

Spring 1988 - IM Wrestling Finals - Tim Burke

Spring 1988 - IM Wrestling Finals - Tim Burke

Spring 1988 - Jamie Koppersmith, Rod Miller and Chris Trentini

Spring 1988 - Kim Sutton (with Mark Woehrel in background)

Spring 1988 - Mark Woehrel

Spring 1988 - Jeff Damcott

Spring 1988 - L to R: Mike Becker, Russ Marky and Amy Wentling

Spring 1988 - Steve Dodge

Spring 1988 - Randy Siegman (L) and Christopher Trentini

Spring 1988 - Erwin Les'Pere

Spring 1988 - Richard Maltz (2nd from Left) and Chris Thomson

Spring 1988 - Bill Herron (L) and Randy Siegman