1970 LaVie - Seniors
L to R: Mike Velmar, Edward Messmer, Dace Ersek, Richard Adore, Mike Fitzgerald, Stan Terezopolos, Joe Posh, Rod Mack, Jon Ritter Bob Holland
1970 LaVie
L to R: TK, TK, TK, TK, TK and TK
1970 LaVie
Top Row L to R: David Johnson, I. Kurt Nathan, Daniel Crumrine, Jim Fagnani, Edward Messmer
2nd row L to R: Chuck Bussard, Tom Radcliffe, Mike Fitzgerald, Hugh McClure, Bob Losinger, MIke Thal Wayne Bullock
NBottom Row L to R: Jack Molyneus, Neal Bloomfield, Steve Manofsky, Toby Frochlich, Phil Diehl, Mike Velmer, Roderick Dare
1970 Composite
Top Row L to R: Joseph Posh, William Weaver, Ronni Tibbott, Robert Losinger, Toby Froehlich, Wayne Bullock, Hugh McClure, Michael Velmer, David Ersek
4th Row L to R: Charles Stempka, Edwin Messmer, Daniel Crumrine, Paul Veneziale, C. David Johnston, Jack Molyneux
3rd Row L to R: Keith Jackson, James Fagnani, I. Kurt Nathan, Niel Bloomfield, Michael Thall, Roderick Dare
2nd Row L to R: Matthew Mankus, Greg Schlegel, Bradley Shoesmith, John Naylor, Brumus, Mark Wilner, Seith Schentzel, William Lear, Kenneth Slaby
Bottom Row L to R: Lawrence Bell, Gary Martin, Jeffery Lammert, John Eshleman, Randal Betz, Edward DiGiulio, Gery Sasko, Donald Loverich Jr., Craig Abel
Photo courtesy of Toby Froehlich
September 19, 1970 - Eta Alpha Chapter at Clemson University installation with Executive Director Howard Alter presenting the charter to Eta Alpha's first Chapter President, Marc M. Feinberg (1971). Also present and providing remarks at the banquet was Major Elwood Fairbrother, (Alpha/Norwich 1960), a member of the Clemson Faculty as a Military Science teacher.
Gamma Xi Chapter President David Anderson (center) congratulates Executive Director Howard R. Alter, Jr. (left) and district regional counselor Harry Anderson tor their achievements and dedication to the national fraternity. Counselor Anderson received a special trophy tor his commitment to the San Jose State College Chapter as regional counselor during the past four years - - as appeared in The Rattle, Winter 1970
523 South Allen St, State College, PA - Omega Chapter House - July 1970 - Courtesy Fred Grun