Viva Le Theta Chi
By: Robert L. Irish Alpha 1889
Let every good Theta now fill up his glass,
Vive le Theta Chi,
And drink to the health of her glorious past,
Vive le Theta Chi,
Vive le, vieve le Theta Chi.
Vive le, vieve le Theta Chi.
Again and a again, again and again,
Vive le Theta Chi.
Come fill up your glasses we love her the most,
Vive le Theta Chi,
As we drink to the health of our pride and our host,
Vive le Theta Chi,
We owe her allegiance, we swear it anew
Vive le Theta Chi,
For the best that is in us to her credit's due,
Vive le Theta Chi,
Each time as we gather, our brothers to greet,
Vive le Theta Chi,