2021 Pledging in Ceremony - Top row L to R: Derek Hatzenbuhler, Aaron Speagle, Tony Elias; 2nd row L to R: Braden Dickey, Jeff Damcott, Dakota Watson; 3rd Row L to R: Ed Wallace, Sean Mayer, Seth Donnelley; 4th Row L to R: Michael Defant, Mychal Kearns, Keagan Sobczak; Bottom Row L to R: Austin Park and Russell Ehalt

Spring 2021 - Pledge Seth Donnelley

Spring 2021 - Pledge Russ Ehalt

Spring 2021 - Pledge Mychal Kearns

Spring 2021 - Pledge Sean Mayer

Spring 2021 - Pledge Austin Park

2021 Spring - Austin Park, Mike Westermann, Sean Mayer, Seth Donnelley and Keegan Sobczak

Spring 2021 - Pledge Keegan Sobczak

2021 Spring - Austin Park, Mike Westermann, Keegan Sobczak, Sean Mayer and Seth Donnelley

Spring 2021 - Pledge Mike Westermann

2021 Spring - Keegan Sobczak, Austin Park, Mike Westermann, Sean Mayer, and Seth Donnelley

Soosung Whang

2021 Spring - Keegan Sobczak, Austin Park, Mike Westermann, Sean Mayer and Seth Donnelley

2021 Spring - Austin Park, Keegan Sobczak, Sean Mayer, Mike Westermann and Seth Donnelley

2021 Spring - Austin Park, Keegan Sobczak, Sean Mayer, Mike Westermann and Seth Donnelley

2021 Spring - Keegan Sobczak, Austin Park, Seth Donnelley, Sean Mayer and Mike Westermann

2021 Spring - Keegan Sobczak, Austin Park, Sean Mayer, Mike Westermann and Seth Donnelley

2021 Spring - Keegan Sobczak, Austin Park, Sean Mayer, Mike Westermann and Seth Donnelley

2021 Spring Initiation - Sean Mayer, Austin Park, Russ Ehalt, Mychal Kearns, Soosung Whang, Seth Donnelley, Mike Westermann, Keegan Sobczak

2021 Spring Initiation - Front row: Sean Mayer, Austin Park, Russ Ehalt, Mychal Kearns, Soosung Whang, Seth Donnelley, Mike Westermann, Keegan Sobczak - Back Row L to R: TK, TK, TK, TK, TK, TK, Jason Downey and Jeff Damcott

2021 Spring Initiation - Jason Downey, Sean Mayer, Austin Park, Russ Ehalt, Mychal Kearns, Soosung Whang, Seth Donnelley, Mike Westermann, Keegan Sobczak and Jeff Damcott

2021 Spring Initiation - Ray Vanlanot (Alpha Iota/Indiana University), Jason Downey, Sean Mayer, Austin Park, Russ Ehalt, Mychal Kearns, Soosung Whang, Seth Donnelley, Mike Westermann, Keegan Sobczak, Jeff Damcott and Derek Hatzenbuhler (Phi/NDSU)

2021 Spring Initiation - Ray Vanlanot (Alpha Iota/Indiana University), Jason Downey, OX Field Rep Tony Elias, Sean Mayer, Austin Park, Russ Ehalt, Mychal Kearns, Soosung Whang, Seth Donnelley, Mike Westermann, Keegan Sobczak, Jeff Damcott, OX Field Rep Nick Bottiglieri and Derek Hatzenbuhler (Phi/NDSU)

2021 Spring Initiation - Russ Ehalt

2021 Spring Initiation - Sean Mayer

2021 Spring Initiation - Austin Park

2021 Spring Initiation - Seth Donnelley

2021 Spring Initiation - Mychal Kearns

2021 Spring Initiation - Mike Westermann

2021 Spring Initiation - Derek Hatzenbuhler - Theta Chi Senior Field Executive

America's Got Talent - Season: 16 - June 15, 2021 - the band T.3 (right alumnus brother Liam Fennecken - Credit: Danny Ventrella/NBC

America's Got Talent - Season: 16 - June 15, 2021 - the band T.3 (right alumnus brother Liam Fennecken - Credit: Trae Patton/NBC

America's Got Talent - Season: 16 - June 15, 2021 - the band T.3 (right alumnus brother Liam Fennecken - Credit: Trae Patton/NBC

America's Got Talent - June 29, 2021 - Gangstagrass (center alumnus brother Randal Green - Credit: Chris Haston/NBC

America's Got Talent - June 29, 2021 - Gangstagrass (2nd from right alumnus brother Randal Green - Credit: Chris Haston/NBC

America's Got Talent - June 29, 2021 - Gangstagrass (2nd from left alumnus brother Randal Green - Credit: Chris Haston/NBC
AMERICA'S GOT TALENT -- "Quarterfinals 1" Episode 1609 -- Randy Green with his back Gangstagrass -Photo by: Chris Haston/NBC
AMERICA'S GOT TALENT -- "Quarterfinals 1" Episode 1609 -- Randy Green with his back Gangstagrass -Photo by: Chris Haston/NBC
AMERICA'S GOT TALENT -- Quarterfinals - Liam Fennecken with his band T.3 Vocal Group - Photo by: Elizabeth Morris/NBC
AMERICA'S GOT TALENT -- Quarterfinals - Liam Fennecken with his band T.3 Vocal Group - Photo by: Elizabeth Morris/NBC
AMERICA'S GOT TALENT -- Quarterfinals - Terry Crews (L) and Liam Fennecken with his band T.3 Vocal Group - Photo by: Elizabeth Morris/NBC

L to R: Tim Gregory, Zach dugan, Kevin Trippel, Connor dekranis, Ryan Campbell, Derek Miller - you nevr know who you'll run into on game day!

Fall 2021 - First IM flag football game of the season
Fall 2021 - Pinning Night & Big/Little Ceremonies - left to right: William James, Grant Blasiak, Josh Behler, Umang Mahanta
Fall 2021 - Pinning Night & Big/Little Ceremonies - left to right: William James, Grant Blasiak, Josh Behler, Umang Mahanta

Fall 2021 - Pinning Night & Big/Little Ceremonies - Top: Mychal Kearns (Marshal) - Bottom left to right: William James, Grant Blasiak, Josh Behler, Umang Mahanta
Fall 2021 - Pinning Night & Big/Little Ceremonies - Top Left to Right: Keegan Sobczak, Austin Park, Russel Ehalt, Sean Mayer, Soosung Whang, Michael Westermann, Seth Donnelley, Mychal Kearns (Not pictured)Bottom Left to Right: William James, Grant Blasiak, Josh Behler, Umang Mahanta

Fall 2021 Initiation - Grant Blasiak, Umang Mahanta, William James and Joshua Behler

Fall 2021 Initiation - Grant Blasiak, Umang Mahanta, William James and Joshua Behler

Fall 2021 Initiation - L to R: Mychal Kearns, Soosung Whang, Mike Westermann, Grant Blasiak, Sean Mayer, Keegan Sobczak, Russ Ehalt, Umang Mahanta, William James, Joshua Behler , Derek Hatzenbuhler, Austin Park and Seth Donnelley