Matt Schwab, Mike Pollack, Paul Sorby, Matt Schellhaus, Kevin Buckney and Scott Boos - Thon 1999

1999 Composite
1999 Composite
Top Row L to R: Greg Sefcheck, Andrew Walker, Michael Pollack, Stephen Delp, Matthew Harstad, Ambrose Heinz, Brian Spencer, Scott Wilhide, Charles Schellhaas, Scott Boos, Matthew Schwab
5th Row L to R: Randal Green, Brian Douglass, Bryne Remphrey, Peter Timer, Ptrick Buckley, Daniel Crapster, Andrew Schmidt, Matthew Keller, Matthew Bruce, Joseph DeSimone
4th Row L to R: Jonathan Kraus, Wes Hinton, Ryan Gibbens, removed, Steven Vazquez, Erwin Ng, Toryn Howe, Jeffrey Bock
3rd Row L to R: Kevin Buckley, Jonathan Scott, Eric Chan, Paul Sorby, David Turske, Christopher Witt
2nd Row L to R: Lee Agin, Robert Azarcon, Christopher Blough, Ben Kratka, Keith Skowronski, Joost Kessing, Ryan Walsh, Brett Calabrese, Marc Lean, Paul Tagliareni, Jay Cyr
Bottom Row L to R: James Paciello, Jim Stellaci, Robert Balch, Sean Neumann, Jonathan Riczko, Joseph Scaraville, Jared Mass, Jeffrey Mezzancello, Mike Campanella, Gregory Enos, Joshua Doyne, Ryan Friis

Benny Win-Pin Lo - 1999
Photo courtesy of Greg Enos '00

L to R: Michael Campanella, Gregory Enos and Rob Azarcon - 1999
photo courtesy of Greg Enos '00

Matthew Sheret (L) and Craig Davidoff - 1999
photo courtesy of Greg Enos '00

S.O.B (Sons of Bojangles) Pledge Class about to announce our Bolt.L to R: Ryan Friis, Mike Campanella, Jeff Mezzancello, Benny Lo, Greg Enos, Craig Davidoff, Matthew Sheret (kneeling) - 1999
photo courtesy of Greg Enos '00

George W. Chapman Jr. (Omega/Penn State '49) stands before a display case at the International Headquarters in which are displayed many mementos and personal artifacts of his father, George W. Chapman (Omega/Penn State '32) - Nov. 2, 1999

Before portraits of Frederick Norton Freeman and Arthur Chase, and a watercolor of The Old South Barracks, site of Theta Chi Fraternity's founding, Mr. and Mrs. George W. Chapman, Jr. examine a copy of the seventeenth edition of The Manual of Theta Chi Fraternity. Originally compiled and edited by Brother Chapman's father, The Handbook of Theta Chi Fraternity was first published on August 15, 1939 - Nov. 2, 1999

While photographing his brick, and the adjacent bricks in the Pathway of Brotherhood upon which are engraved the names of his brother (Philip C. Chapman, Omega/Penn State '57) and father (George W. Chapman, Omega '32), Brother Chapman and his wife, Marion, are assist-ed by Scott Thomas (Delta Kappa/Ball State '97), Director of Chapter Services - Nov. 2, 1999

Brother Chapman admires a coat of arms patch that is on display at the International Headquarters. Suit patches of this sort were worn very fashionably in the 1950s and 1960s on a blue blazer. Shortly after his visit to the International Headquarters, Brother Chapman gave one of his own Theta Chi suit patches for display in the Chapman Library. The gold leaf frame, which contains the patch being admired by Brother Chapman, was crafted in 1856, the year of the Fraternity's founding - Nov. 2, 1999

Marion and George W. Chapman Jr. stand before a portrait of George W. Chapman that hangs on the wall of The Chapman Library at the International Headquarters - Nov. 2, 1999