Sisters of Alpha Xi Delta with Brothers Toryne Howe, Tim Wagner, and Ryan Gibbens - Thon 1998

1998 Kitchen Fire
CDT Article on chapter house fire in the kitchen - Jan. 30, 1998

1998 Kitchen Fire
Randy Putt of Putt Refrigeration and Pat Springer of the Centre Region Code Administration and Alpha Fire Co., inspect fire damage -Daily Collegian article on chapter house fire in the kitchen - Feb. 2, 1998

1998 Kitchen Fire
Randy Putt of Putt Refrigeration and Pat Springer of the Centre Region Code Administration and Alpha Fire Co., inspect fire damage -Daily Collegian article on chapter house fire in the kitchen - Feb. 2, 1998

1998 Kitchen Fire
Kitchen Fire Aftermath - January 1998

1998 Kitchen Fire Aftermath
Kitchen Fire AftermathJanuary 1998

1998 Kitchen Fire Aftermath
Kitchen Fire AftermathJanuary 1998

1998 Kitchen Fire Aftermath
Kitchen Fire AftermathJanuary 1998

1998 Kitchen Fire Aftermath
Kitchen Fire AftermathJanuary 1998

1998 Kitchen Fire Aftermath
Kitchen Fire AftermathJanuary 1998

1998 Kitchen Fire Aftermath
Kitchen Fire AftermathJanuary 1998

Chris Blough (as Santa) - Big Brothers/Big Sisters Program: Santa Claus

Dave Turske - Homecoming 1998

Fall 1988 - TK

1997-8 Composite
1998 Composite - Top Row L to R: Wes Hinton, Ryan Gibbens, Ambrose Heinz, NA, Matthew Bruce, Andrew Schmidt, Jeffery Bock, Erwin Ng, Greg Sefcheck, Kevin Buckley, Matthew Harstad - 5th Row L to R: Randal Green, Patrick, Farrell, James Connor, Marc Bleckman, Aaron Early, Paul Glace, Brian Douglass, Byrne Remphrey - 4th Row L to R: Timothy Wagner, Gregory Rogalski, Peter Timer, Patrick Buckley, Daniel Crapster, Matthew Keller - 3rd Row L to R: Joseph Desimone, Jonathan Kraus, David Demblowski, Jason Reid - 2nd Row L to R: Steven Vazquez, Toryn Howe, Jonathan Scott, Stephen Delp, Eric Chan, Joost Keesing, Paul Sorby, Brian Spencer, David Turske, Christopher Witt, Andrew Walker - Bottom Row L to R: Lee Agin, Robert Azarcon, Christopher Blough, Matthew Schwab, Keith Skowronski, Matthew Cahill, Scott Boos, Brett Calabrese, Marc Lean, Michael Pollack, Charles Schellhaas, Scott Wilhide